Chapter 41 - It's a surprise.

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O n e  m o n t h  l a t e r :

I was laying down beside a very stubborn Heath. He refused to stop trying to attack my lips with his so I could trace his tattoos with my fingers. He hasn't been able to keep his lips to himself since our one month anniversary which was just a few days ago. He took me to one of the most romantic areas in the town for a picnic. It was my first outdoor date and I absolutely loved it. He hasn't been able to stop telling me how much he loves me either. And each time I blush even more. It's torture and he knows it, which is why he keeps doing it, making me blush.

Today was the day of our school's party, thrown by the staff so you know it's not going to be that wild but it does sound pretty fun. It's a costume party and we can dress as anything really. We haven't even found our costumes as yet and the party starts around seven thirty. T.B.B.C kept we're going to be fashionably late, so I guess.

A knock sounded at my door, which helped me with getting away from Heath's horny lips. I stuck my tongue out at him and he literally tried to capture it. I giggled and pulled back before saying, "Come in."

My door was pulled open, revealing Allan. He looked at us and grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"You were saying..?" Heath said.

"I wasn't saying anything you snotbucket." Allan deadpanned at Heath then turned and looked at me. "Sheer said you hope you guys are ready because it's time to go shopping. But I can see you guys aren't ready so.." he trailed before he stepped out of the room a bit, cupped his mouth with his hands and yelled, "Babe, theyre definitely not ready. They both still look like rich hobos."

"I don't think there are rich looking hobos, Allan." I chimed, trying to fight a laugh.

He looked us over once again. "Well, they are some now. Now get up." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pushed Heath off of me completely but that only resulted in him falling off of the edge of the bed and him pulling me with him. We both landed with an oomph!

Allan groaned. "So because I told you guys to get out of bed, you're gonna go on the floor and get all nasty now?" he asked.

I groaned this time and glared at a smirking Heath. I pinched him before I sat up then I glared at Allan too who was also smirking.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? You're literally always smirking. Did your mother's feed you something she wasn't supposed to when you guys were younger? Which caused the left side of your lips to always be up?" I asked in exasperation. "You guys shouldn't have been named T.B.B.C.. more like T.S.I." I grumbled and padded to my closet.

"What does that stand for?" Allan called after me.

"The smirking idiots." I threw over my shoulder.

"Wait!" Heath called.

I turned around. "Yes?"

"You didn't bump my ring." he pouted.

I grinned at him and how cute he was and walked back towards him. Allan was staring dumbly at us, looking confused. Heath held up his hand and I clinked my ring to his.

"Poof!" we both exclaimed and as usual we burst out laughing. I leaned down and kissed his cheek but when I was about to stand up he pulled me back and kissed my forehead.

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