Chapter 18 - You suck at shopping.

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Sheer's P.O.V.

I growled in frustration as Allan burned me for the thousandth time. He was curling my hair for me and even though he was honestly doing a great job, which kind of scares me, I'm still getting burnt to a crisp.

"Allan the very next time you burn me, I will hurt you." I playfully glared at him. He grinned his goofy grin, looking quite handsome and all mine.

"I'm not exactly intentionally doing this." he said. "I have no idea why you couldn't ask Charm to assist you before you guys shooed her away with her mom." he rolled his eyes, earning a glare from me through the mirror which in response, he blew a noisy kiss.

"We had to get her to go so we could shop for her birthday." I said with an eye roll.

"You do know I'm the one with the steaming curling iron, right?" he threatened playfully.

I smirked and raised my left brow. "You do know I have two strong, perfectly working fists, right?" I asked and that was enough to make his mouth snap shut and he continued to curl my hair. It was actually really cute and I can't tell you how happy I am to be with this beautiful idiot.

My beautiful idiot.

A few minutes later, Allan was done with my hair.

"You look beautiful," Allan said, smiling. I turned beat red. "But, only because I did it." he smirked. I shot up and he ran away laughing, screaming about him kidding or something. I could punch him sometime. I can't mess him up though. It's getting harder imagining my life without him as the days go by. He just makes me so happy and he's the sweetest and funniest guy I've ever met!

I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself. I actually did look beautiful. My hair was flowing down my bag in loose curls and my dress was short and a bit frilly. We were going shopping for Charm today. All of us, being Heath, Scott, Allan, Nathaniel and Natalie. I can't wait to pick up something for her. I let everyone know her favorite things, even though Heath seemed quite familiar with them. He said he'd picked them up as he started hanging out with us, which I find sweet. I don't know why he just won't ask her out already! Only God knows what's the hold up.

"Guys ready?" I asked and they all nodded or said some form of yes. I ushered them out of the door, using the spare key Ms. M gave to me. Some of us filed off to Heath's jeep and others to Allan's own.

° ° °

Allan's jeep came to a halt as he parked in one of the parking spaces at a huge shopping centre. It's almost as big as the mall. It's huge. I noticed Heath's jeep pull up beside us in the next space as we got out. Soon enough, Scott, Naomi and Natalie emerged out of his jeep, whilst the rest came out of Allan's own.

We headed towards the packed place and went inside. Listen to me, my eyes burst out of my head because I honestly wasn't expecting in here to be so huge. I hardly go shopping, you've got to excuse me. I'm a lazy girl and I'm not exactly the girly girl type. I do dress girly though. Weird right?

As my eyes roamed the place, my eyes landed on a clothing store that had such gorgeous dresses on view. I grabbed Naomi and Natalie's hand, and dragged them inside with me. When we walked into the place, Natalie, Naomi and I gasped. The place was beautiful for starters, and also the clothes in here were absolutely drop dead gorgeous.

I'd been searching for dresses for a while, I was even ready to give up hope for this shop. But then, my eyes landed on an ensemble that was just too difficult to ignore, to difficult to not want to get a hold of it. It was a blue dress, all blue. On Charm, it would stop mid thigh. It was flared at the bottom and had a lacy coverage, but the top neck area was just fully laced. I loved it instantly.

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