Chapter 5 - This should be fun.

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Charm's P.O.V:

This week had been great and it passed by in a blur, which is a good thing. It's now Friday, our ditch day. I was waiting on Sheer to get here so we could get ready together. I have oodles of bathing suits and bikinis that my mom bought me, but I never wore them because they're.. sexy. And, I became secluded and shy, remember?

But, unfortunately, let me repeat the words that Sheer said.

"Charm, you're going all out come Friday, because I'm sure every senior is going to be there and we're going to leave an impression like never before."

I sighed and shifted in my bed, typing away at my laptop. I'm anxious. What if I don't have fun? What if Samantha harasses me? See, these little things bother me the most. I heard my doorknob jiggle and I jumped up to answer it. I locked my door after I found my attire, because I wanted to try it on, so therefore, I had to get naked.

I pulled the door open and my bestfriend walked through the door, smiling from ear to ear. She looked so excited. And, I mentally groaned. When Sheer's excited, crazy things happen.

She grinned. "I managed to shop today and I found the exact same thing you're wearing, just different colors."

I started smiling immediately. "Oh my gosh, this is gonna be cool!" I squealed. For some reason, I felt more confident now that I know we'll be wearing the same thing. Its weird, but its the truth.

"I know right! Come on, we only have like, an hour to get ready." she said, pulling the things out of her bag. "I'll get ready in the bathroom." she said, then she went inside.

✌ ♕ †

Sheer and I stood, staring in the mirror at ourselves. We both wore a one piece bikini, which should've been called a two piece anyway. Considering the fact that it was just exposing as a two piece with the holes on the sides, at the back, and by the navel, exposing our navel rings. We both had a shawl tied around our thin waists. My bikini was black and red, and I had a black shawl. Whilst Sheer had a cream colored bikini and shawl. We look .. sexy.

"Ready?" Sheer asked, smiling.

"No." I muttered sourly.

"Great!" she exclaimed, then she grabbed my hand, keys, phone, her things and dragged me downstairs. I cannot believe I'm doing this. God, help me.

Heath's P.O.V †

I cut my engine, and Ne-Yo, my favorite singer, stopped singing. Allan and Scott hopped out, leaving me behind.

These dudes are really excited for today. I sighed, hopping out of my Range Rover. I absolutely love my car. My brother and my car are the only things I live for.

I brushed the biscuit crumbs that Scott, Allan and I were snacking on in the jeep off of my sweats. There was no way I was going into that water. I only came because Allan and Scott begged me to.

My mind wandered to Charm without permission. wonder if she's coming out here. Pft, what? Charm? Come to this? wish.

Seriously. do wish.

I heard Mavado and a woman I was sure to be Nicki Minaj blaring through the speakers, asking each other to give it all to them. It's a catchy song, actually. I was bopping my head to the beat, looking around. I noticed practically our whole senior class here. Some people were dancing to the music, some people were kissing their significant others, some were smoking and drinking.. you know, doing rebellious teenage stuff. Everyone hailed me as I passed. I hailed back, though I didn't know half of them.

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