Chapter 17 - When since did you hate school?

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I dreaded getting up this morning. Not only because I'm not feeling it, also because I feel as though today is going to suck just as much as the other days sucked. School is so miserable and depressing. And the fact that I have to see his face everyday does not help. It also hurts me to see that he doesn't even look the least bit of hurt or upset that we stopped talking, which just shows he never really cared. It is heart breaking to see him flirting with Samantha even more now, or with anyone for that matter. I can't afford to sit back everyday and listen or watch him hook up with girls. At least I can say I'm happy for Allan and Sheer. They're still going strong..

I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was in the right order. I wasn't even trying to look my best, honestly. If I do, who am I doing it for? It's not like the boy I'd do this for is paying any attention to me. God, I sounded pathetic. And I hated it.

I have got to stop thinking about him!

Today, I wore a short ripped jeans, a huge black hoodie and my black tiny puma tennis. I know, it's not the least bit attractive. But I just can't bring myself to care.

One good thing about this situation though, is the fact that my mom is actually getting better quicker than I ever imagined. I know the memories and scars run deep. I expected her to still be sulking in bed or something. Instead, she's up on her feet to work, trying to get her mind off of everything. I love my mom for her determination, her strength, her confidence. Three things she failed to pass on to me. I mean, I had confidence, but the other two qualities.. not so much.

I ran my fingers through my purple bundle and slowly clambered downstairs. I wasn't in a rush to get to school. I made my way to the kitchen and I grabbed an apple and a water out of the refrigerator and made my way to my car.

I pulled into the parking lot of school, reluctantly got out of my car and locked it up. Sheer and I noticed each other from afar. She came skipping over to me. I've never seen Sheer this happy in a relationship and I couldn't be happier for my best friend and Allan. They're so cute, it hurts.

"Hey, girl." she chirped.

"Hi," I  forced a smile.

"I love you, Charm.." she started, so I know an insult was coming, which I expected. "But, you look like Dallas' waste." she said apologetically.

"I feel like Dallas' waste too. I'm in no mood to look beautiful. I feel like crap, so I look like crap too." I said.

She shook her head. "You can't show him that you're hurting without him, Charm. You're giving him power," she said.

"How am I giving him power by dressing like a stylish hobo?" I asked, as we made our way towards our lockers.

"C'mon. When you guys were on good terms or even before you guys started hanging out, you'd be all pretty and stuff. Now that you guys aren't speaking you just happened to get the fashion sense of a hobo?" she quirked her left brow at me.

"Yeah, why not? It's not like he's paying any attention to me anyway." I muttered.

She rolled her eyes. "Trust me, this is bugging him just as much as it bugs you." she said.

I didn't show her that what she said made me a teensy bit happier. Instead, I scoffed. "He sure has a funny way of showing it." I said.

"He's the bad boy! Bad boys aren't suppose to get hurt. So, he's going to continue to flirt with girls for the student body's sake. He's not going to show that you hurt him the day you and Ms. M told him to get out." she explained. "By the way, how is my mother?"

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