Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!

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Author's Note ~
So, I promised that if someone guesses who that was in the last chapter.. I'd dedicate this one to them. So, this chapter is dedicated to the sweet, nice and beautiful @Lizera2014 :") guys, you should follow her. She's the sweetest, okay? And, thanks again guys for all of the support thus far. I've never made it this far in a book before, to be honest and I wouldn't have made it without you guys. I love you ❤ :") - xo, Destiny.

Recap ~

After all of the years of anticipating seeing him again, I never thought it'd end up like this.. me crying over him because he walked away, because he'd promised me he'd leave me alone if a certain time passed. I never thought it'd have such an effect on me.

"Are you okay?"

You can imagine how scared I got when I heard a familiar voice behind me, right? My head snapped up and I craned my neck to see my daddy, Christopher Mill, standing there with a sad smile on his face. The relief I felt was intense. I'm sure he could've seen it. I stood up so quick, I could've fallen over and break my neck but I didn't care. That's how serious the yearning was to hug him. And can I just say he didn't age a bit? He still looks the exact sane the last time I saw him. How unfortunate it is that that was my last memory of him.

The hug was tight, secure and surely needed. I wasn't sure how long we stood there hugging, but it was a while. I even think we rocked back and forth. I was just so relieved he didn't actually leave. I would've regretted it so much!

"I missed you," he murmured then he kissed the side of my head.

"I missed you more." I said.

"I missed you most." he said.

"What the hell is going on?!" A familiar voice shrieked and I whipped my head around so fast, I could've gotten whiplash. It's like as soon as my day picked back up, it dropped again.

"No," I breathed.

Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!

"Um.." I trailed, unsure of what to say as I stared into my mom's glistening eyes. "Mom, calm down. Do not be upset." I tried to calm her down as I glanced at her trembling hands which were at her side.

"Don't be upset?" She asked incredulously. "How can I not be upset, right now, Charm?! What the hell are you doing with that bastard?!" she sneered.

"I'm right here, you know?" Dad said. He didn't sound offended or upset. He sounded as though he'd be expecting her to act like this. To be honest, so did I. What I didn't expect was for her to show up at this moment.

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