Chapter 37 - An unexpected meeting.

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Getting up early in the mornings usually never was my forte. They never will be either. I hated getting up in the morning, I always will. Who's actually happy to get up out of their comfy bed, unwrap them selves from their duvets and face the world? I know I never want to. No matter what's happening that day.

Without further ado, I ended up getting up and getting ready for school anyway. I chose to wear a blue sequin beaded top, Jimmy Choo jeans and black gladiator sandals. I really wasn't trying to put an effort into my outfit today, but I did wear makeup. I don't know why.. but I feel I should at least try to look pretty for Heath. I mean I am his girlfriend now.

Girlfriend. It still sounds so new. Well, probably because it just happened last night. And I could not be happier. I've waited too long for this.

I slipped the promise ring back on and smiled down at it. I smiled at the memories of last night, the feelings of last night that happened to still be lingering deep down inside and I smiled at the movie.. at how sweet it was.

Did Heath and I really go through all of that?

I heard my door creak and I didn't bother turning around. I could've actually feel it was Heath who entered. I have no idea how that happens, but when he enters the room, whenever he's around.. I get this amazing feeling and I just know that it's him. He definitely confirmed my unsure as assumptions when strong arms encircled my waist. I turned around to face him and placed my arms around his neck.

"Good morning," I chirped. He smirked and dipped his head to capture my lips with his and I did not complain, just kissed back. His scent entered my nose and I nearly fainted from how great he smelled. He always smells nice, always..even if he's been sweating. But I can tell he put a little more on today and yesterday.

It seems as though I'm not the only one putting in an effort.

He pulled back. "Good morning, beautiful." he drawled huskily.

I blushed at the compliment. "How are you?" I asked, smiling lightly.

"Hmm, let's see.. well, I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face, I woke up knowing I'm with the most beautiful girl in the world.. let's just say I'm on cloud nine." he said.

I blushed uncontrollably. "Heath.." I chastised. "You do know that just because you're my boyfriend now.. that doesn't mean you have to compliment me every second," I tried to tame my heated cheeks. "But I do appreciate it." I concluded.

He smirked. "I know you do, babe. And I like making you feel appreciated and beautiful. Because you are."

"Thank y-" I was cut off from a voice either somewhere in the hall or on the staircase.

"You two lovebirds hurry the hell up or we'll be late!" the voice said. I think it belonged to Allan. There's no surprise there. Ever since we came home last night how we broke the news to them, he kept teasing us and calling us lovebirds. I didn't mind though, I just hated the fact that I couldn't control my blush.

"Yeah, we should get downstairs before I'm unable to control myself from attacking your lips with mine." Heath said sheepishly.

There my cheeks go again.

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