Chapter 7 - My right toe, your right ear.

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Eventually, I stepped out of my house and walked up by the fountain to meet Heath. He's here, but don't see car? How'd he get here?

"How'd you get here?" I questioned, voicing my thoughts and peering around.

He motioned for me to follow him. "Betsy." he said nonchalantly.

Betsy? Who the heck is Betsy?

Heath and I stepped out of my gate and he motioned towards a beautiful, black Yamaha Bolt R-Spec, like mine. Yes. I do have a bike and I love it with all of my heart.

"Oh my gosh! You have the same kind of bike that I do." I stared at his bike in awe. It's almost prettier than mine.

He looked shock. Really shocked. "Y- you have a bike?" he asked, appalled.

I smirked. "I do." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You don't seem like the, erm, kinda girl to have one." he sounded really uncomfortable and it was really cute.

"I seem like the kind of girl who has a little pink tiny Volks Wagon, don't I?" I said, thinking of how lame I seem when the real me, the old me is completely different.

"Yeah, you do." his smile was sheepish. "Can we go now?"

"Should I get my bike?" I asked, hopeful.

"We're wasting time. We'll do that some other time."

My face fell. "You know, Cullen.. if you wanted to feel my arms wrapped around you, all you had to do was say so."

His cheeks turned crimson. "I never said that."

"Is the bad boy blushing over there?" I teased.

"Purplehaze, fuck you. C'mon, would ya?" he muttered. I couldn't help laughing at him. He's just too adorable.

I walked over to the bike and waited patiently until he got on, then I followed suit. He handed me the black helmet and instructed me to put it on. Duh. I put it on and tightened the clasp, making sure it wouldn't fall off.

"Ready?" he asked, bringing the bike to life.

"Yup. Let's get this adventure on the road." I said.

Suddenly, I heard Ne-Yo start playing and I just couldn't help singing along.

"You listen to Ne-Yo?" Heath sounded shock.

I gave him an 'are you insane' look. "I love Ne-Yo! He's legendary."

He had a smug look on his annoyingly beautiful face. "You're telling me."

When Heath dashed down the streets and through the corners, the feeling did not fail to amaze me all over again. And then, there's my body being intact with his own as my arms were tightly clasped around his waist. I had the urge to run my hands up and down his rock hard stomach just to feel his all-too-perfect abs.

I realized we were around by school. I, of course, thought he just had to pass it in order to get where this adventure was taking place. But no. Instead, Heath pulled in the back of the school and cut the engine. He came off and pulled off his helmet.

"What are you doing?" I asked, suddenly feeling anxious.

"We- are breaking into school." He said coolly.

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