Chapter 36 - Something new, something true.

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"Hurry, Charm!" Sheer called from my room. I sighed and looked in my bathroom mirror one last time before Natalie and Sheer transformed me from the plain-Jane, to a beautiful, elegant young lady. I was actually pretty nervous. I'm going on my first date with Heath. I really hope it goes better than my date with Emmed. I'm actually sure it's going to be better. Simply because just being with Heath makes me happy. So, he could take me to watch garbage get burn and I'll enjoy it. That's how serious it is.

I walked into my room to see it practically turned into a salon, clothes store, makeup parlor.. everything in the book. I gaped at the supplies they had laid out on the bed.

"Woah. That's a lot of stuff." I stated.

"And we're going to make you extra beautiful with them," Natalie said cheerily.

Sheer was studying me with that intense look on her face. I'd like to think of it as her thinking face. She was up to something. And I was scared to know what.

"Charm Mariah Mill.. question.." she trailed, waiting for my permission to go on.

"Answer," I retorted, sticking out my tongue.

"Real mature." she muttered. "Anyway. Do you ever think about turning back to a brunette?" she asked. The question took me off guard.. completely off guard. There's  one reason I really turned into a purple head. Yeah, I told you it was because I was impulsive. I lied. I actually turned my hair that color because Logan wanted me to. He didn't exactly want purple, but he always ranted about trying something new. And I was willing to do anything to get his mind off of the sex thing. I actually liked the purple. I'd just gotten to lazy to take it out.

"You know, I actually never did." I said truthfully.

"You were a brunette?" Natalie asked incredulously.

I grinned. "From the womb, baby." I said, spanking my stomach.

"I think you should go back natural. You know, for a fresh start with Heath. And even though this purple looks good on you.. your real color would look amazing." Sheer encouraged.

"You think Heath would like it?" I asked nervously.

"He'd love it." Natalie said.

I actually agree with them. I only had the purple for Logan. I'm going on a date with Heath. I should try something, though it's completely old. Something new, something.. true.

"I'll do it." I shrieked excitedly. I couldn't put off the excitement and happiness in Sheer's eyes. They both looked rather happy actually.

When the tug-o-war, hair massage, washing, everything was over, I sat up straight in my seat and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Never open a salon, you guys." I muttered.

"Shut up and turn around." Sheer demanded playfully. I huffed but did as she said. When I did though, the looks on their faces were priceless and deserved to be framed and hang somewhere in my room.

"Wow," Natalie breathed. "You look absolutely gorgeous as a brunette!" she gushed. I couldn't help blushing profusely.

"Yeah, you do. I haven't seen you like this for forever. You're beautiful." Sheer chimed.

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