Chapter 31 - Old times.

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I sighed and ran my fingers through my purple ringlets once more. I wasn't feeling as enthusiastic as I felt Saturday.. about meeting my dad, hell, I'm confused as hell. I wouldn't know what to do, what to say. I'm even a bit afraid. Like, what if he lashes out on me the way he did with mom? Will I be able to defend myself? Will I be able to react?

God, if this is a mistake, please show me a sign.. any little sign. Please..

My red sleeveless shirt hung low, though it hardly covered my bottom in my black pair of ripped skinny jeans. My makeup was a minimal, I didn't wear much.. just some nude lip gloss and mascara. I bent down to tie the laces on my boots and groaned from the pain in my lower back. I am really a terrible sleeper. I have to stop sleeping with my butt poked up in the air; that position has me in a whole heap of pain when I wake up.

Grabbing my keys and other vital things I'd need, I made my way downstairs. I really need to stop sulking around the place. Where did my happiness go? My giddiness? My often playful banter? All of those things really need to come back. I'm not exactly fond of being sad or depressed.

Charm.. there's nothing you can do about your love for Heath. You can't control how you feel, feelings.. well, they demand to be felt. So, either you're just going to have to sulk and try forget about him, which won't happen anyway, or you'll have to be happy, smile at him, make jokes with him and your friends and be happy. The second choice sounds so much lovelier. Stop being difficult!

Just like old times. Old times.

My conscious chastised me as I bolted downstairs, and I had to agree with it. I came to a conclusion that I wouldn't sulk and be depressed any more. I'll go back to my old self, and we'll see how that works out. I found myself grinning like an idiot already as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I chirped at Allan, Sheer and Heath.

"Good morning.." Sheer looked curious, as if my sudden change of mood surprised her. I just smiled cheekily at her and grabbed a green juicy apple that was just screaming "eat me!"

"Why are you so happy?" Allan asked cautiously.

I gave him an innocent look. "What? I can't be happy? Is it a crime to be happy?" I smiled at him and he grinned and shook his head.

"I take it you had a great time last night?" he said, with his left brow cocked in the air.

"Yeah, I did." I lied. "It was really fun, until up at the ending when he carried me to the aquarium." I said truthfully. There was no sense in lying anymore.

"Sucks. Was that why there was so much screaming last night?" he asked.

"You were here last night?" I asked incredulously.

Sheer turned a beat red. "Yeah. I was bored, so I asked him to stay." she admitted.

I shot her a smirk and her cheeks colored even more. So unlike Sheer. I'm happy though.

I nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go to school now. Bye, guys." I offered Heath a sweet smile, which he returned hesitantly. I know he wasn't expecting this change of attitude this morning. I mean, it seemed as though no one did. But I'm doing what's best for me.

I skipped happily to my car and waited patiently for Sheer McCurdy to hurry the hell up. She said she's coming with me this morning because we hadn't spent that much time together lately, which was the truth. She doesn't even know I'm going to meet up with dad today, neither does mom.

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