Chapter 20 - What the hell?

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Heath's P.O.V.

I watched happiness etch across Charm's face and she eagerly took the CD from me and stuck it in the player. I could tell that her happiness was contagious because everyone, including myself, was smiling. Our smiles were almost as big as Charm's own. Almost. She sat on the floor, right in front of the t.v and she crossed her legs beneath her. I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked so gorgeous. I can't wait till her birthday.. to make her happy, to see her smile and laugh.

Sounds from the speakers broke me out of my reverie. I finally get to meet her grandparents via video. They must be really great if she's excited like this. The screen was blank at a point of time, but the video got clearer gradually. I soon noticed that it was two people. Two people lying in a bed, and they looked nowhere near the age to be called 'grand'. I heard Charm say something, but I couldn't make out the words.

My heart started pounding really hard. So hard, I couldn't breathe. Realization sunk deep within as I recognized the two people on the t.v screen.. having sex.

No. No. No. No! Please, take away my eye sight but this is not happening!

A wave of fury rolled over me as I sat there, frozen in shock. But it's as though the heated anger defrosted my frozen state. Inside my head was a complete commotion, a catastrophe. I noticed Charm quickly shot up off of the ground and shut the VCR off. She then ran upstairs and moments later, a door I'm sure was hers slammed really loudly. Everyone else was frozen shock, though. They were obviously just as shocked or frozen as I would be.

I shot up off of the chair's arm, grabbed my coat and stormed outside.

There is no way in hell this is fucking true. I pray to God I'm asleep and this is just a terrible nightmare.

I hopped on my bike and tightened the clasp on my helmet. I brought Betsy to life and shot forward, not caring about how dangerous it was.

Charm would think this was dangerous.

I pressed gas and sped down the highway. I really need to think. I can't even feel right now. The only thing I feel is the numbness setting deep inside my veins like snake poison. I was inflicted with pain.

How can Charm do that?.. How can she just.. sleep with that prick? Was she just putting on a show when she fussed with him in front of me? Can't she see how much she just hurt me?! I can't fucking believe this.

I parked my bike on the side of the deserted road and hopped off, placing my helmet on the handle. I shoved my hands in my pockets and made my way down the narrow walkway which was beside water.

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