Chapter 6 - Does it hurt?

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I closed my locker shut and flung my bag over my shoulder. I thought about my weekend and how crazy it was with Heath, Allan, Sheer and Scott. They're some really crazy teenagers to be around, I swear they'll send you crazy. I also ended up telling Sheer about the situation with Logan. I swear her whole sweet side for him vanished. I don't blame her. He's a scum.

I picked up my pace as the bell rang. I wonder where's Sheer. I hadn't seen her for the morning and I hope she's okay.

I walked into my homeroom and noticed the guys instantly. I mean, how can I not? They look like hot, hot, hot models in the back there.

Mrs. Fowler called our names one by one, and as the list went on, Allan made fart sounds after she called each name. Everyone laughed instead of taking offense to it. And, Mrs. Fowler was so oblivious to it being Allan.

"Listen to me, does one of you have to stool and is too afraid to ask?" she asked, sounding frustrated. Allan did the fart sound again, and the guys and I couldn't hold it. I burst out laughing at Mrs. Fowler's facial expression too. I actually think I heard her growl.

"Charm, Heath, Allan, Scott.. detention!" she called. I kept laughing because, unfortunately, this didn't bother me.

What? I was having fun! I just don't get why only us four got called when the whole class was basically on the floor dying with laughter.

The bell rang for first hour and I stood up, smiling back at the guys, who in turn grinned at me. We were the last to leave the room, and as Allan was making his way out of the door, he made yet another disgusting fart sound.

Still thinking about what happened in homeroom this morning, I smiled. Those boys are something else.

I walked into Biology and found my seat. Oh, gosh, I don't think I can manage with the guys in the class with me too. They're lucky I'm Mr. Penn's favorite. I can't afford another detention. One was enough.

"Okay, class.. we're going to talk about the mangrove swamps and the animals that adapt there." Mr. Penn said.

Suddenly, Allan raised his hand. Oh Gosh.

"Yes, Mr. Hield?" I could see the amusement already in Mr. Penn's eyes, him being a young Asian and all.

"Is mayonnaise an instrument?" Allan asked, making everyone laugh. Mr. Penn looked like he wanted to laugh as well.

"No, Allan. Mayonnaise is not an instrument." he said. He was about to speak again, but Allan raised his hand in the air again. "No, Allan. Horse rattish is not an instrument either." Mr. Penn said, his lips twitching.

When I say the whole class, I mean the whole class dissolved into hysterical laughter. Even Mr. Penn. See, he's the coolest teacher you will ever come across, and I cannot believe he watches Spongebob. I definitely love him now! Anyone who loves Spongebob can be a friend of mine.

Throughout the rest of the class, Allan continued asking stupid questions, making everyone laugh. Then, the stupid bell rang, ending it all.

I walked out of the classroom and headed to my next class which was Mathematics. This, I know I'm going to enjoy. Stepping into my Maths class, the class wasn't full. It was actually empty. I wondered why. I walked to my seat and sat down, resting my bag on the ground.

Then, ruining the mood I was currently in, Logan came strutting in with a smirk on his face.

"Finally. I was beginning to think we had no classes together." his smile was sheepish.

I rolled my eyes. "It's freaking second period on a Monday, do you mind having some patience?"

"I couldn't take the suspense, sweetness." he came and sat down beside me. I tensed up.

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