Chapter 38 - Hold on, what?!

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I was lying down in my bed, cocooned in my blanket even if it was extremely hot outside. Do you know you know why I'm wrapped up in my blanket even though it's hot out? That's right. You guessed it. I'm sick. I have no idea where it came from, how it happened. I was perfectly fine yesterday. I just woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache and I needed the toilet badly.

I heard a knock at my door and I really didn't want to get up and answer it, nor did I want to say anything. Because when I do actually talk, my stomach aches and it's a really bad feeling. I hate being sick because when I'm sick.. I'm really sick. Mainly because I hardly get sick so when it actually comes, it's like it's seeking revenge or something.

After the person realized I wasn't answering my door, they pushed it open and came inside. I knew for sure it wasn't Heath.

"Charm? Where are you?" It was Sheer.

I pulled the blanket from over my head and turned on my side instead of being flat on the bed like a pancake. When she saw me, her eyes widened.

"Holy shit, what the hell happened?" she asked.

"I'm sick," I said and right after I started hacking uncontrollably.

Sheer grimaced. "I can see that. I've seen better looking hobos, Charm." she pointed out.

I would've thrown my pillow at her but I was too weak. "Shut up, my head hurts." I whined.

"Do you want me to get you breakfast and a painkiller?" She asked sweetly.

"Please," I pleaded, helplessly. I despised feeling helpless. It's just not a good feeling to have. It makes you feel useless and though I have a good reason, that doesn't make the feeling better still. 

"I'll be right back. It's a good thing I made pancakes this morning and I think the coffee should be extra help with the painkillers to ease the headache." Sheer threw over her shoulder before she left.

"Gotta love coffee." I mumbled, coughing right after although I knew she was already gone.

After a while my door opened again but it wasn't Sheer. This time it was Heath. I felt a smile coming on, but it soon dropped when I realized how terrible I looked. With all the energy I could muster, I snatched my blanket and threw it back over my head to save myself from embarrassment. I heard his deep chuckle.

"Brownie locks, what art thou doing?" He asked in one of those awesome accents.

"I look terrible. You can't see me." I mumbled.

"I've heard that you look and I quote 'worst than the hobo who flashes his bum to clueless teens on the end of the corner by school'.. but that doesn't make me think you're any less beautiful. Babe, you're just sick." He said. He was getting closer because his voice was getting louder and his footsteps, heavier.

"I sure don't feel beautiful." I muttered, stalling

I really don't want to take this blanket from over my head.

"But you are. So you can take the blanket from over your head now. It's making me hot." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"But you're already hot, so that's no excuse."

Heath's chuckle filled the room and I think it eased my stomach ache a bit. "Thanks, babe. But I know that already."

I rolled my eyes although he couldn't see me. "I can hear your ego being inflated."

"Only you can do that." He said.

I blushed. "You're trying to sweet talk me into taking this blanket off so you can be all like 'Ah! Omg, who took my girlfriend and died her hair green?' although my hair isn't green, that's just how horrible I look." I whined.

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