Chapter 26 - They took the cake.

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I believe we all were quite shock with the new revelation. I mean, I never thought about everything until now.. but, I now see why she never liked to talk about her mom. Every time someone talked about their parent and asked about hers, she'd cut them off. Oh God..I now see why. Her mother is a complete psycho.

The other officer walked little ways from our little group whilst he was speaking into the cellular phone. I was just standing there staring at Samantha's mother. I kind of see where Samantha gets this crazy clinging from. She clings to Heath all the time like her life depends on it. I can see the resemblance though. They're both beautiful, if I'm being honest. Okay, wait.. let me rephrase that. Samantha is beautiful under all of the caked up makeup she tends to wear all the time. She doesn't know how clown like she looks with all of that makeup on and I don't think any one was ever planning on telling her.

"You're Samantha's mom?" Heath asked incredulously. The old mole looked up at Heath and nodded. "B-but, I've been to your house many times.. I've never seen you until the jewellery store."

She shrugged. "I'm always to work. I'm not exactly fond or wanted much in my home." she said quietly. That's so sad. Oh wow.

"I can see why.." Allan muttered to himself, but I heard him.

"Why the hell did you stalk Heath?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, but I did try to stop jealousy from seeping through my words.

"Because.. do you see how beautiful he is? Samantha always talked about you. It's like she wouldn't shut up about you. I was dying to meet you to see how good you looked. I fell out of love with my husband a long time ago.. and when I heard Samantha describe you, I swear you were everything I needed and way more. I felt the connection instantly." she said. Everyone was staring at her wide eyed. She is insane.

"No. There was absolutely no connection whatsoever. You're just.. in-fucking-sane." Heath muttered in disbelief.

"How can you say that? You don't love me? Why not? it's obvious that we belong together. It's obvious I'm the one for you. If you're doing this because of your friends, I totally understand." she looked up at him adoringly. I can't tell you how upset her words made me though. I felt something stirring deep within me as she was speaking to him and looking at him like he was hers.

"Oh my, God. She's as crazy as a loon." Allan mumbled, running his hands over his mouth.

"She's insane just like her daughter.." Scott interjected and I couldn't help agreeing more. Like, why were they both so obsessive and clingy? And over one boy? Gee. I thought I was pathetic..

Never mind me. They took the cake.


I'm sure I wasn't the only one who felt awkward. I mean, we were currently standing in the hotel room with the officer, the old mole and her daughter. I felt uneasy. Especially how Samantha kept shooting me glares. I was trying my hardest to stay calm. I'm trying to feel sympathetic for her and she's sending me glares, looking like she wants to skin me? Unbelievable. The psychos these days.

"Mom, couldn't you keep calm? Do you seriously like embarrassing me or something?" she snapped at her mom. If that were me, I'd be hanging on a nail like a deer in a cottage by now.

"I see what you mean.." she said in amazement, gawking shamelessly at Heath, who in turn looked uneasy and uncomfortable. He looked cute.

"What do you mean?" Samantha asked, sounding impatient. I took a real close look at her when she sighed. I realized that she wasn't wearing makeup today, and to be honest, she looked so much better without the makeup caked on her face and also, she looked so stressed and tired. I could see dark circles under her eyes and I fought myself to not wonder how long they'd been there.

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