Chapter 23 - I've been shot!

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To say I was shocked would be the wrong statement to use!

I was beyond pissed. Some of you may ask why, well, here's why.. Naomi's trying to mess around with Heath on Scott and he's such a sweet guy, she called me a slut and she's messing with Heath. He's suppose to be mine.

Mom was so right. But, how could she tell that Naomi was wicked?

I didn't waste another second there, as soon as I heard everything I needed to hear, I spun around and was about to take off to the bathroom. But then, I bumped right into two hard chests. I was waiting for my back to make contact with the hard wall, but it never happened. After I while, I got tired of the suspense and cracked my eyes open. Coincidentally or fatefully, there stood both Allan and Scott. They had amused expressions on their faces and I glared playfully at them both. They were about to speak, but I threw my hands over both of their mouths. I tried to push against their chest, away from the conversation I still could hear! But it seems as though they definitely heard it too, because they sent me questioning and curious looks.

Tell me how I got smacked up between two hard chests and a wall and I'd simply say 'I don't know.' I couldn't do anything about it, so I just continued to eavesdrop.

"Why would you do this to Scott? He's such a great guy." Heath said angrily. "You can tell when you girls don't appreciate what you have!" He exclaimed, sounding fed up. "Us guys give you all we could give you at the moment, yet you still think it's not enough for you, yet you still go and compare us to other guys!" he spat. I listened carefully and I knew he wasn't just talking about Scott and Naomi any longer.

He was talking about me..

I felt a pang of guilt deep down inside the pits of my stomach. I knew he meant when I compared him to Logan. It was just in the heat of the moment. I didn't mean it.

"Heath, I don't give two shits about what you're talking about. Scott just isn't working for me. I mean, who respectfully waits for a girl's okay to have sex? Seriously? I need someone like you who can tell me that you want it and that you need it and that if I don't give you it, I'm a naughty girl." Naomi purred. I looked up into Scott's face to see that it was an emotionless mask.

We peeked from behind the wall, we could see Heath shudder. "You're gross. You do know I have to tell Scott about this, right?"

Naomi's eyes shot open. "No! Y-you don't!" she protested. I held back a snicker at how frantic she got.

"He's one of my best friends. You think I'd let some whore play around with his head?!" Heath sounded quite angry now.

"I am not a whore!" She exclaimed.

"Actually, yes you are." Scott finally spoke, walking from behind the wall. Allan followed suit and so did I. To say they both looked shocked would be the least. Naomi looked down right scared.

"S-s-Scott. How can you c-call your girlfriend a slut?" she whimpered.

Scott had an incredulous look on his face. "Hmm, let's see.. probably because I walked in on her trying to get with my best friend. Yeah, that's totally not a slut move." he muttered sarcastically.

She pouted and came closer, trying to touch him but he moved away. "Oh, and by the way, we're done. Drop my name, drop my money and drop my number." he spat. She flinched from how cold his tone was when all I wanted to do was jump with joy. Allan walked right in her face and deliberately burst out laughing. I couldn't help laughing at her expression.

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