Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.

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Author's Note ~
Hey my beautiful people. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It was exciting. So, um, enjoy :)
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Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.

I stared at him. Hard. He was across the room, quite oblivious to my presence. I stood up, becoming tired of going unnoticed by him.

"Hey, lover boy!" I called. I'm not sure how he knew that I was meaning him, but he looked and when he noticed me, he smiled.

"Just the girl I wanted to see," He said, walking towards me. My breath was now coming in short insufficient pants. I wanted to step back, but my feet wouldn't let me.

Finally he was just inches from my face.

"What did you want?" I asked.

"You." his finger caressed my cheek.

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