Chapter 22 - Dare me, baby!

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I was being bombarded, bull rushed.. everything from all of my old friends. You see, I say old because after the situation with Logan I cut them off. They all thought they'd done something wrong, but it wasn't them. It was actually their precious Logan. My old friends loved them some Logan and I. They'd shipped us so freaking hard. At first, it was cute as hell. But after he did what he did, I completely loathed the idea.

"Happy birthday, Charm!" one of my old friends, Jessica, exclaimed hugging me really tightly. Even though she was crushing my bones, I hugged her back.

"Thank you." I grinned.

"So, how are you enjoying your surprise?" she and Sheer asked at the same time, surprising me.

"I am having so much fun! Oh my God, you people are brilliant! Whoever came up with the idea." I beamed. I was truly having a splendid time, even if I just came. I didn't expect all of this. I mean, this place is just too perfect for a locale's birthday party. This is somewhere where a celebrity would come and perform. You know? A concert or something. That should explain to you how huge this place was. It was grand! And drop dead gorgeous! All positive adjectives could certainly be inserted here. Everyone was laughing, chatting, eating, dancing.. anything. I loved how happy everyone looked on my (and a thousand set of other people around the world) day. It was really relieving.

"Mrs. M and I did." Sheer said proudly. I smiled at my best friend. I usually can her the love of my life, but not in that way. She's just been there for me for forever. I really appreciate her.

"You guys are really sweet." I cooed.

"It was a pretty great idea." Jessica said smiling. Sheer grinned at us both. 

"Girls! Let's go dance!" a new voice piped in, and we turned our heads to find Honey standing there. We all grinned at her. This was how it usually was back then. All the time, we were the four musketeers, even if it's actually only three in the actual musketeers. It was always Sheer, Jessica, Honey and I. I was just closer to Sheer than any of them because I met them in the tenth and eleventh grade. I've known Sheer from preschool.

We all joined hands and shimmied on over to the dance floor. All of the guys or their boyfriends were on the next side, talking to their friends and laughing. Even Heath was laughing. At least he didn't let the fight get to him.. the way I did.

Ke$ha was blasting through the speaker with no remorse whatsoever. Everyone who was on the dance floor was going absolutely wild. Adrenaline started pumping through my veins like the venom from a snake would usually do as soon as it bites you. I was having fun already and I skillfully ignored the pain I was in whilst dancing with these beautiful heels on. I think every girl here was experiencing the same thing. And if they weren't they only could've been on steroids or they took a whole bottle of pain killers or something. Seriously. Dancing in heels? Death trap. But that's kind of okay, because beauty is pain. I learned that the hard way many times.

Sheer, Honey, Jessica, Natalie and I grinded to the beat, we fist pumped, we jumped up and down. We've done everything. And it was extremely fun. I even ended up pulling my hair out of the tight bun and letting it drop down in purple waves around my shoulders. I shook it out, running my fingers through it. Sheer looked at me and purred, making us all laugh.

"Everyone! Everyone.. we'd like to call the birthday girl on stage. So whoever has her on a leash, free her up for a second." A guy I knew as Jeffrey said into the microphone with a grin on his face. I raised a quizzical brow up at him, though he couldn't see me. I felt hands on my back, pushing me towards the stage. I looked back and saw my girls smiling from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes playfully and made me way on stage. The crowd roared with violent applause as I came into view, making me blush.

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