Chapter 40 - I'm happy on the whole.

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T h e  B i g  F o r t y!  : )

A u t h o r ' s  N o t e ~
Guys.. I can't tell how much fun it was writing this book. And I honestly can't tell you how much I appreciate the votes, the comments.. the follows. They mean the world to me. I'm literally on wattpad smiling like an idiot 24/7 because of you guys! Ha, I remember when I didn't know what '24/7' meant .-. haha. Back to the note.. I just wanted to let you know that this book is soon over.. there's one more official chapter after this one and then I think I'm going to let you guys see how Sheer's first date with Allan went, if you want.
But thank you for reading this.. I also want to let you know, I started a new book called "I Hate The Bad Boy".. if you have the time or if you want can you check it out, pretty please?  Thank you for taking the time to read this long note. I love you! ❤ - xo, Destiny :)

C h  40 ~

The very sun that loved the moon so much that it died every night, is now trying to kill me!

I blocked my face from the sun as Heath and I stood in the middle of the road in our jogging clothes. We decided to take a jog this morning but everyone stayed in to watch a movie or whatever they wanted to do. I'm tired of just lousing around, so I asked Heath to take me for a jog now I kind of regret it because this sun has no mercy on my skin.

We've been running for about half an hour now and I was breathing harder than a marathon runner yet Heath looked as though he'd start flying any minute. Well.. he's not built for nothing. I tried to catch up to him but he was just so fast and since he was playfully ignoring me because I didn't get to eat his pancakes this morning, I decided to ignore him too and to put my headphones in a blast some music on my 'favorites' playlist. Instead of continuing my jog, I started doing cartwheels and flips in the road. Heath was oblivious to this because well, he was ignoring me.

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