Chapter 10 - You know, I'm terrified of lightening.

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Allan, Scott, Heath, Sheer and I had run everyone home and cleaned up. This place was literally a living nightmare.

"I'm gonna go up and change." I said to them all. They nodded and said their okays. That was my chance to head up and start changing. As soon as I stepped into my room I ran over to my dresser and fetched my black tank top, spongebob shorts and I went in the bathroom to put them on.

I felt tons more comfortable in my night clothes. Suddenly, and scaring the absolute shit out of me, I saw the lightening and you betters believe I screamed like a little girl when the thunder clapped. I dove under the duvets on my bed, not even checking for a goodbye with the guys at this precise moment.

I heard my door open, and as I'm about to stick my head out from under the duvets, another thunder clapped and I recoiled back under the sheet. I'm terrified of thunderstorms, lightening, tsunamis, tornadoes, anything that has to do with hard rain, rumbling sounds and the process of killing.

"Are you alright?" I heard the deep, rich, familiar voice ask. I suddenly get the urge to see his face. I want to see if worry was evident in his beautiful eyes. And, I looked up and worry was indeed evident in them.

"I'm just.. I'm really afraid of these types of things." I said, flushed.

Heath smirked and walked more into the room. "You screamed really loudly."

I rolled my eyes. "I get that. I was just really afraid. I was coming to say goodbye but, you know.." I trailed, looking at the floor.

"Thunder happened." Heath answered.

I didn't have to look up to know the fool was smirking. It's his thing. "Heath, shut up, okay?" I warned and he laughed.

"Well, anyways, it doesn't look like we're going anywhere tonight."

My ears perked up and I found myself warming up to the idea of the guys, Sheer and I staying here together. "Because of the sudden storm, right?"

"Yeah. You should come down. Don't worry, the thunder won't get you in here," he teased.

I rolled my eyes and slid from under my duvets and out of my bed. When I stood up, I felt when his eyes flickered to my bare legs. I blushed discreetly. I walked to the door, and as soon as my feet left my room another loud, vibrant sounded around me, the light flashing through my home. I couldn't help the fact that I was afraid, or that I ended up jumping straight into Heath's arms. I loved the feeling too. I could feel him laughing at me, but I didn't care. I felt safe.

Moments later, we ended up walking downstairs. I noticed immediately that Sheer and Allan were no where to be found. I smiled, thinking about the pair and what they could possibly be doing on a stormy night. Cheaper they just started dating.

"Scott, why didn't you invite your girlfriend?" Heath questioned.

Scott gave him a WTF look. "Dude, what're you talking about? She went into the bathroom to change. She's literally been here with me all night." he answered. Heath's eyes shot open, and so did mine. But, I knew it was for different reasons. I opened my eyes in shock because I didn't even know Scott was dating anyone.

"I didn't know you were dating. Wow, I was quite oblivious to the fact, actually." I said.

Scott snorted. "You two were too busy depriving yourselves of oxygen.. remember? So, I don't mind." he chuckled.

I glared at him and so did Heath, which only made him laugh more. The door to the kitchen swung open and in came this pretty, petite, brunette girl. She padded straight beside Scott. She looked at me and smiled.

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