Gotta Be You (One Direction)

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“Ok, Callie that was the last box! We have finally moved into our small home in London!” Sassy exclaimed.

            “ Wow, I can’t believe that we have finally moved in! And people thought that we were crazy moving here! So I guess it’s time to look for jobs now,” Callie said.

“Seriously, Cal, we just moved here from Texas, and have finally unpacked, and all you are thinking about is finding a job? You need to have a little bit of fun! And don’t forget… You are here with your three best friends! What could be better than that?”

“Well, how about meeting a hot guy with an accent?”

“You got me there.”

The two girls walked in from their state of the art living room, and into the kitchen where Lizzy and Michaela were eating lunch.

            “ Hey, so my agent wants me to be at the eye at around 6, so that means that I must be there around 5 just so that I can look prompt. So Cal you don’t need to cook dinner for me tonight.” Michaela explained.

            “Oh, and I won’t be at dinner tonight, because; I have a couple interviews at different places tonight, so I don’t know when I will be back.” Lizzy commented.

            “So I guess that it’s just Sassy and I?” Callie inquired.

            “No, It will just be you. I also have interviews, and Lizzy and I were just about to go as soon as we were unpacked. So now that we are finished, Lizzy are you ready?” Sassy asked.

            “Yea let me grab my résumé’s, and then we can go.”

The two girls soon left, and then Michaela and Callie started decorating their rooms. And around 4 Callie drove Michaela to meet her modeling agent. Callie was upset that she was stuck alone not doing anything interesting, but while the girls were gone, she was able to accomplish a lot of things around the house. Around 9 o’clock Lizzy stormed into the house.

“What’s wrong?”

            “ All my interviews went terrible, and they all said that they did not think that I had enough experience writing songs. I have been writing songs since I was little! And they are good even if I do say so myself! I cannot believe how snotty they were! But I still gave them my cd in hope that they would give it to someone. But still! Oh, just how rude they were! And as I was leaving one place, I ran into someone and dropped my last Cd. But I was too mad to pick it up. So I left it there, and now I wish that I hadn’t.”

            “ Well, maybe that person was the president of the company. You never know.”

            “But, the guy was too cute to be a president of a company, and plus he was in jeans and had a tattoo on his arm. No president has tattoos.”

And just as Lizzy was finished with her story, Sassy came in excited.

            “ I got a job at the little salon called ‘Swish, star quality’.”

            “Well, that’s clever.” Lizzy interjected

            “ Don’t be rude. So I start tomorrow at 9! I am stoked. My boss, Emily, seems really cool, and the job does pay!”

“ It wouldn’t be a job if it didn’t pay.”

“ Well sorry Lizzy, but I still have a job. So now I can contribute to the rent for this house.” As soon as Sassy had finished her retelling of her day, Michaela walked into the room.

            “Ya’ll guess what? I just got another job in a week modeling for Free People! Isn’t that great? I am super excited! So that was my big news. Do ya’ll have any good news?”

            “ Lell, Sassy got a job at Swish, a hair salon, and Lizzy didn’t get any of her songs looked at so let’s not mention it. But I am glad that you got another job! So when do you get your first paycheck?” Callie replied.

            “ What is it with you and money? But I get my first paycheck tomorrow. So when do you get your first paycheck, Callie?”

            “ Well, you know that I am looking for a job, but I think that I am going to teach swim lessons to kids at Swimming is Cool. Yea, the title’s cheesy, but still. It will pay well. So I’m gonna call the manager to see when I can start the job. There you happy now?”

            “yes. I am.”

“ Well, whatever. SO I am goin’ to bed. I don’t know about you, but that’s what I am doin’. SO night.”

            “I thought that you were going to call the  manager.”

            “ I will in the morning. I am too tired from setting up our house and making it look presentable, in case we meet any hot guys.”

            “ Ok, well night and I will tell the others your plans. So see you in the morning and are you going to fix breakfast in the morning?”

            “ Yes, Michaela I will.”

And Callie went up to bed and was soon followed by all the others, because they each had experienced hard days. But they were happy to be in London with their closest friends.

            At around 5 o’clock the next morning Lizzy was woken up by the sound of her phone going off. She groggily picked up the phone. “hello.”

            “Hello, Are you Lizzy James?”

“Yes I am, may I ask who this is?”

“ I am the president ofJDCO, Jeremy Davidson, and I believe that we bumped into each other yesterday?”

“Yes, Oh I am sorry. Did our little collision cause bodily harm? Because if so then I am really sorry.”

“Oh no, but you did drop a CD and I listened to it last night. I thought that the lyrics were very inspirational and powerful. And the melody was very pretty and intense. And while I was listening to the track, I happened to have a client of mine in my office. They fell in love with the song and would like to put the record on their next CD. But we need your permission. And of course you will be paid very very well for the single. And They were also thinking of having you as their writer for future albums. Are you interested?”

“It’s 5 am. The only thing I am interested in right now is going back to sleep. And plus this is a decision that I think I should sleep on. So how about I get back to you at around 9?”

            “that sounds good. I hope you will allow us to use your song. Goodbye Ms. James.”


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