My World

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Sassy had been a little depressed the past few days, as she had to run the salon because Emily had family things to do. Still, she could not get over the fact that Emily had a son, Trevor. It overwhelmed Sassy running the salon every day. Granted, there had been days that Emily was gone for a little while, but Sassy had never run the salon by herself for days at a time. At night, she would go right to sleep, not even bothering helping Callie with Piper. She was exhausted most of the time. Finally fed up with running the shop by herself Sassy decided to call Emily and get the low-down. “Hello?” Emily’s voice rang on the other line.

“Hi Emily, this is Sassy. I am exhausted running the salon, and I was wondering when you are coming back?”

“Oh sweetheart, I’m not. My mother is sending me away to a rehabilitation center and she is taking away Trevor. So I am leaving the salon to you. I am going to have my lawyer come by and have you sign the papers.”

“ So I can hire other people to work with me?”

“Yes, you can put a ‘help wanted’ sign on the window. I understand how hard it is to run the salon.”

“Thank you! And I’m sorry about losing Trevor, but I’m sure your mom only wants what’s best for you.”

“Goodbye Sassy.”

“Bye Emily.”

Sassy was nervous that she was getting the salon. But she knew that she wanted to hire more people to help her. Scrimmaging through the back room, Sassy found the sign and placed it in the window. Silently she sent a quick prayer, wishing for someone to walk through the door needing a job and having experience as a hairdresser. The day went by quickly as Sassy had many different appointments during the day, and she barely had time off her feet. Around three, Sassy closed the shop early and sat down with the lawyer. He was tall, very attractive. He had blonde hair that was cut short, and pretty green/brown eyes. He was about 6ft and fit. He was just an all around attractive guy. He looked like the type of guy that girls would struggle to talk to.

“Hello, I am Jacob Thomason. I was hired by Emily.”

“Oh hi! I’m Sassy, nice to meet you.”

“Same to you. So I have here the papers handing the salon over to you. I will need you to sign all the places that I have highlighted. Don’t worry about reading the fine print. I promise there is nothing there that will harm you. And you can really trust me when I tell you that I promise.”

“Ok I do.” She signed all the places that he marked. Curious to see what the backstory was about Mr. Thomason’s comment about promises, she asked, “So what’s the backstory to the promises?”

“Oh nothing important. So you have an accent, where are you from?”

“You have one too. I’m from Texas.”

“You’re kidding me! I am too!” 

“My word! I’m from Houston!”

“You’re kidding. I am too.”

“Have you ever heard of Memorial Baptist? I went to school and church there.”

“Yeah! I went to church there, and there was this one girl that I know who went to school there. We met at camp and totally hit it off.”

“What was her name?”

“Callie Austin, she’s awesome! We kinda had a thing, but then I told her I’m gay. It was weird but we managed to stay friends. We haven’t talked lately though. I heard she moved to England. And I want to find her and reconnect, she was one of the reasons I moved here.”

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