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The faces of the boys told all. They were as surprised as Lizzy was. They started mumbling to each other wondering what they were going to do. Jeremy had produced their music since the beginning.  “Wow, your faces were really funny. I would love to produce this album with you. I cannot believe that you took me seriously. You boys do know how to get what you want. I would not drop you for all the money in the world.”

The countenance of the boys became happy and more relaxed.

“Well, when do you want to start recording?” Jeremy asked.

“I think that we will start recording sometime next week?” Zayn asked looking at the others as he said this. Jeremy grabbed his iPad from the table in front of him, and scrolled through the recording studio’s schedule.

“We have an opening next Tuesday at around 5:45. Is that ok?”

“but.” Louis said.

“I am sure she will understand, and it’s not like it is your lesson anyways. It is mine. You just want to see her. She will not care, just like she did not care when I called saying I had to cancel. And she was fine with the fact that you had to cancel your date. She will understand.” Zayn told Louis.

“Alright, then we will take it. And I do not know how long we will take, so Lizzy, you need to be prepared for a long Tuesday night. But it’s not as though you are working 9 to 5 at an office, so you will be ok.”

“Thanks Louis for telling me what to expect. So I should have one song by Tuesday to present to ya’ll, but I will be there Tuesday. And I think that we are good, and we just got out in time for lunch. Have a good day ya’ll. See you Tuesday.”

The boys and Jeremy walked out of the room, but Niall stayed back to talk to Lizzy.

“You will be there Tuesday right? You’re not going back home right? I will pay you double if you stay.”

“That’s really sweet of you to be concerned, but since this meeting went really well, I think that I will stay here. You are really kind to ask. And I am sorry about brushing you off this morning. I was so worried about missing this meeting that I didn’t even realize what I was doing. And I was an emotional wreck.”

“I know what you mean.  As I had said earlier in the meeting about being homesick was true. If you ever need anyone to talk to about moving, and being homesick I am here for you.”

“Thanks I may take you up on that offer. All my friends don’t seem to miss their families, but then again each of them went to college out of state. And I stayed in Texas. I just need someone to relate to. And that person may be you.”

“Well hey , I have to go, but here’s my number. Just text or call me anytime you want to. I have to be on my way or the may forget that I am here.”

“That’s nice, well see you Niall.  Have a good day.”

“By Lizzy, and I am glad that your day got better than it was this morning.” Niall walked out of the room and Lizzy sighed. This is a guy that would treat me like a princess. If only. Lizzy packed up and headed home. The rest of the afternoon was spent helping Callie fix dinner and clean the house for the dinner Michaela had planned. 

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