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Lizzy came home that night, and barely talked to anyone. She ignored the world and had Niall’s words playing through her head until she was ready to face the world. Sassy on the other hand was ready to attack the world not hide from it. She was sick of how everything was in chaos. She wanted her old carefree life back. If Michaela wanted Sassy to be mad about having yellow hair, Sassy would embrace the vibrant yellow hair. Sassy made dinner for the group, but no one paid any attention to her delectable meal. The air in the room was so tense, that any other person would be stifled. In the middle of dinner Sassy felt so depressed that she just finally broke the tension.

“Hey ya’ll. I made this dinner. I think that it is darn good. Thank you so much for being so thankful to me. Hey, I know that things have been really weird around here lately, and I want to apologize.  Caleb’s suicide really bothered me, and if I decided to be in a relationship with him again, the both of us would be miserable. He was distraught that I didn’t want to be with him, and his only way to fix that for himself was to commit suicide. Ok. We have now talked about that pressing subject.” Michaela and Callie were at the table, and Lizzy was coming down the stairs to see what was happening. She sat down to hear what her friend had to say. Sassy continued. “ Michaela, What happened with Jenny was an honest mistake. I found out that Harry was dating Emily, when I thought that Harry really liked me. I was mistaken. Harry walked into the salon, while I was cutting Jenny’s hair. So I saw him and accidentally cut off a large chunk of her hair. So I reshaped it, and I even picked up her tab. I actually like her hair now. But seeing Harry kissing Emily surprised me. Sorry. But Michaela, Jenny took her revenge on you because she knew that indirectly she would have gotten revenge on me. She knew that you would do something out of anger. Now I have neon yellow hair. Thanks. But I can rock yellow hair thank you! I do not hate you, but I am very sad that you would do this to your best friend.” Sassy looked around the table satisfied that she finally said something. Michaela sadly looked up, and said to Sassy, “I am really sorry. I don’t hate you either, but I was just really sad. I am the newbie at Free People, and some girls are just so mean to me. I was banned from the shoot for the rest of the week, and the other girls just laughed at me. Jenny messed up my hair and makeup so badly that the photographer Wei-Wei didn’t want to mess with me for the rest of the week. But I mean, she is a little creepy. Like CREEPY! But I was in a blind rage, and I’m sorry. I just want everything to be back to normal.” Sassy replied, “You’re forgiven.” And the girls hugged. Callie finally said something. She said, “Sassy, you need to talk to Harry. I now understand why things were so tense the other night, but if you had told us, we would have found another way to cheer you up. But you need to talk to him.” Sassy replied, “ I really thank ya’ll for trying to cheer me up. Ya’ll are great. And I know that I need to talk to Harry, but we were never really dating. I just thought that he liked me. We were so comfortable around each other. It was really nice; he made me feel like Caleb used to make me feel. There was just something about him. But I guess he likes Emily better. He is dating her now.” Lizzy piped up saying, “Sassy, just talk to him. Talking things out always is good. I know that it is hard, but just text him. Get out of the house and text him. We want you to be happy. Things around this house have been to tense. We need to be more open with each other about things that are going on. Sassy go call him right now.” Lizzy gave Sassy a pointed look, and Sassy picked up her phone to go call Harry. Safely in her room, Sassy dialed his number. “Hello?” Harry said, and Sassy’s air was caught in her throat. “Hello?”

“Hi Harry, this is Sassy. We need to talk.” Sassy tried to keep her voice as normal as possible.

“I agree. Would you like to meet up at Starbucks in 30?”

“Sounds good. Bye.” And Sassy hung up her phone.

       Sassy was on her way to Starbucks when she realized that Harry did not clarify which Starbucks to meet. She dug in her purse to find her phone, when her phone started ringing Harry’s solo in What Makes You Beautiful. “Hello?”

“Hey Sassy. I was on my way to Starbucks when I realized that I didn’t specify which one to go t o. So how about we meet at the one by Swish?”

“That sounds fine Harry. Bye.”

Sassy tried to prepare her mind for what might happen in the next few minutes, but Harry was unpredictable. Sassy parked her car and walked into the building. Looking around the café, she saw many different characters but did not see Harry until he stood up, and said, “Sassy over here.” She took a deep breath and headed ocer to the corner where Harry was. She sat down and noticed that Harry had all ready ordered for the both of them. He ordered a mango smoothie and cake for himself and a vanilla Frappuccino with whipped cream and caramel and a cake pop.

“Wow, you know what I order.” Sassy said curious to whether this boy in front of her was a stalker. 

“I asked Callie.”

“That makes more sense.”

“ What happened?”

“With what? My hair? Or us?”

“Both really.”

“ My hair is really a result of what happened with us.”

“Ok?” Harry was confused, as any normal person would be. But instead of giving an answer Sassy said, “Why.”

Harry knew what she meant and gave his explanation. “I saw her on the road distraught, and I pointed her out to the boys. A pretty girl should not be on the side of the road alone late at night. So we called a tow truck and a cab. I waited with her like any SOUTHER GENTLEMAN would.”

Sassy was flustered that her girl talk with Emily had been repeated to Harry. He continued, “That was really funny of you to say, Miss Southern Belle. SO I asked for her number so what she could text me that she got home safely. I told her my name was Edward, so that I wouldn’t have another stalker/fan. My stop was before hers. The next day she was bombarding me with texts, and I didn’t want to be rude. So I replied, and she would not let me leave the conversation. She’s crazy. Then, she asked me out on a date. I am not the type to say no. SO naturally, I said yes. But I planned on telling her the next day that things would not work out between us. During the date, I said all the right things, and I even kissed her when I dropped her off. I lead her on when I really shouldn’t have. I went to Swish to ‘break up with her’ so to speak. I knew that you worked there, and I was hoping to explain everything to you. As I walked in the door you were the first person that I saw. We locked eyes for a quick second, and I saw the hurt in them. Emily kissed me upon laying eyes on me. By the way, she kisses like a Labrador retriever, and you know I prefer cats. I felt terrible seeing the hurt in your eyes. I really felt bad. I would like another chance to get to know you better, and I want to erase what happened. It was one big confusing mess.” Harry looked at Sassy pleading.

“ No. I cannot erase what happened, but we can use this experience to grow us as people. And I trust you a little bit more now. One condition, don’t pick up random girls from the side of the road. You don’t want any more Emily’s now do you?”

“Uh Basically. Now about that massive yellow blob you have of hair? How is that related to us?” His eyes danced in amusement if the telling if the story about Sassy’s hair. He said, “ Incredible, who would have thought to do something like that?”


“And here I am thinking that my friends are crazy.”

“At least my friends don’t chase birds or name them Kevin. They aren’t afraid of spoons. They aren’t obsessed with mirrors or their reflections. And they do other things besides eat.”


“I should probably get going.”


“ I don’t want my friends thinking you kidnapped, raped, and killed me.”

“They would think that?”

“ Callie in high school thought that she was going to marry the football kicker, Patrick. He was too cool for her. Michaela thinks that one day she can be a professional dancer. And Lizzy just worries herself to death, that poor girl.”

“And this makes sense how?”

“ Never mind. But I should go.” Harry walked Sassy to her car and just as they were saying goodbye, the hormonal London sky started crying its eyes out. Harry took this opportunity, and he kissed Sassy. They were soaked at the end of the make out or snogging session, but neither had another care in the world but to be in the arms of the other. 

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