New Album...

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She ran away grabbing her bag and running straight to her car. She hopped in her car, and sped to the meeting room. She collected herself, and walked into the meting room. Jeremy was already there.

“Hello Ms. James, you are a little early, but it is better for you to be early than late.”

His phone rang and he answered it. ”Hello? Alright, well they are early. Send them up. Yes their new writer is here.” He hung up, and said “the boys are comin’ up as we speak.”

They walked to the casual meting room, and sat down. Lizzie straightened her skirt and her blouse hoping to make a good impression, and praying that someone could not tell that she had been crying. Quickly, an intern came into the meeting room with a plate of pastries and fruit. Lizzy grabbed strawberries and quickly ate it, making sure that she did not have seeds in her teeth. She threw the green part of the strawberry in the trashcan, then heard some guys loudly talking.  She and Jeremy looked up at each other took a deep breath and stood up. In walked five guys. Jeremy greeted each personally. “Hello Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Welcome, this young lady by my side is your new writer.”

“Hello, I am Elizabeth James, but you can call me Lizzy. I moved here form Texas, so that is why I have an accent, but it is not as pretty to listen to as a British accent is.  I am very grateful to have this opportunity to work with ya’ll. I brought my songbook for ya’ll to look through. I have ideas for melodies and lyrics in this book. But please understand, I do not let everyone look through this book. And my closest friends are not allowed to read it. I will show you only a select few for you to see. But these ideas are very important to me. Do not make fun of them.”

She made sure that she had looked at each one during her little speech to ensure that they understood where she cam from. She had noticed when the boys had come in, was that the guy that tried to calm her down was a boy from the band. She did her best to make sure that her face did not show any recognition, but inside she was nervous. She had never been this nervous, and she did not know why her was nervous. But she continued showing the boys her song ideas.

“Now, this one is called Missing Home.” She passed around a copy of the first verse and the chorus.

The blonde boy, Niall, as Jeremy called him, from earlier that morning spoke up.

“I like this song, because the feelings expressed in this song are really similar to how I felt when I first left on you with you guys. I like it. It is different, and it is not about love, like most of our songs are. And I am not saying that singing about love is bad, but I like this change.”

Lizzie was astonished. She was floored. She wanted to go up and hug him. “Thank you, so do ya’ll want this one.”

Harry spoke up saying, “If it means a lot to Niall, then I think we will take it.”

“That’s great. Now this one is about a person making a lasting impression.”

She handed out another paper. Niall looked at it, and spoke up again. “I know exactly what you mean.” He looked deeply into her clear blue eyes. “Sometimes, it only takes a few moments for a person to make an impact. I want my princess to make that impression on me one day.” He looked into her eyes as soon as he said it. Lizzie felt sad. She could never be her princess, even if she only talked him for a few moments.

“Well, I think Niall likes your style of writing. So We would like this song also.”

“ That’s great. Are there any ideas that ya’ll would like to present?”

Liam said “well, Zayn who is the writer of the group, wrote a song about over coming fears. I think that he brought it today. But he’s always too shy to present ideas.”

“which is really weird, because he is usually cheeky with girls, and overly confident. But when it comes to presenting song ideas or showing what he has written, he becomes like a shy girl.”, Louis chimed.

Zayn quietly passed the sheet music and lyrics to Jeremy and Lizzie.

“We would like to use this song in our album. And with the songs that you have proposed to us and we accepted, I think that this album will be different. And we all agreed that different would be refreshing. But of course we will have a love song or two, for the fans. But the main point is that we want different. A similar sound but not the exact same thing as we have done before.” Harry pointed out.

“ I am not sure that I am totally on board with that.” Jeremy said contemplating whether or not a different album cost him a good fortune.

“Well then sir, we will take this pretty Lady, since she is a free agent, and go to a company that will let us have a different album. Must we remind you that we are million dollar artists?” Liam pointedly said. Lizzy thought to herself this guy has an edgy side. I don’t want to get in the way, if he is ever in a bad mood. She looked over to Jeremy. She knew that the boys had put Jeremy in a tough spot. The boys made Jeremy a good amount of money, but taking a chance with the album could make lose all that money. But Lizzy was a free agent. She was only signed with the band, so if they left then she left. The boys were in charge of her paycheck. After a few moments of silence, Jeremy finally said. “ I am sorry, but I cannot take a chance with this album.”

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