Chapter 1

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One Year Later

**Perrie Edwards POV***

"I'll be right back." I told Zayn and sat my drink down. All the boys and their girlfriends decided to take a vacation to California for awhile, since the beach would be right here. And tonight he decided to go clubbing. I felt like my makeup was smearing since it is so freaken hot in here. Does this place even have air conditioning? I walked into the bathroom and it looked like no one was in here. I went to one of the mirrors and pulled out my makeup from the small purse I was carrying.

"Yeah I can be there on Monday." I heard a voice say. "By ten o'clock, gotcha." I turned around and saw that someone actually was in here, in one of the stalls. "Yes sir, Danielle Peazer" The voice said. I dropped my eyeliner in the sink. "Yes. You too bye."

The stall door opened. And there she was. My lost best friend.

"Perrie?" she asked trying to get a better look a me.

"Danielle?" I asked although I already knew it was her.

"I can't believe you are here!" she gave me a tight hug and stepped back.

"Wait, wait. So you you stayed in America?" I asked while putting all my makeup back in my purse.

"Yeah. I had no way or getting back to the UK so I stayed here. Oh my, it's been so long. About a year now." She said with a small smile.

"You dyed your hair." I said noticing it.

"Yeah. Just brown though. I thought a change would be good." She said looking at the tips of her hair. "Why are you here in California anyway?"

"We all decided to take a vacation for the summer I guess." I told her.

"But why here? This is such a small town in Cali, most people don't know about it." She asked.

"Sophia knew about it." I said without thinking.

"Oh. She is Liam's-" she kind of stopped in her sentence and looked down.

"Yeah... Sorry Dani I didn't mean to rub it in your face."

"No. No. It's fine. I'm glad Liam found someone who makes him happy. And plus all the magazines do a nice job of rubbing it into my face. But I've moved on. I really have." She said with a confident smile.

"That's good. So are you seeing someone?" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her making us both laugh.

"Uh, I'm here with someone, yes. But I don't know about being together with him." She smiled looking away a bit. "Speaking of which, I should really get back to him before he starts to worry. It was nice seeing you again Per, we need to catch up soon." She gave me on last hug then left the bathroom, back into the club with all the loud music. I followed her out and found Zayn and everyone else in the exact spot they were when I left.

"Danielle is here." I whispered to Zayn so no one else could hear.

"What?!" he yelled over the music.

"I said Danielle is here." I said a bit louder.

"Speak up babe, I can't hear you!"

"Danielle is here!" I said loud enough. But with my luck, right as I said it the song stopped to switch to another one so it was completely silent. I turned to look at Liam to see if he heard.

His head shot up from the ground and looked right at me then turned to scan the entire club.

"Danielle? Like Danielle Peazer? As in, Liam's ex girlfriend, Danielle?" Zayn asked looking right at me in the eye.

"That would be correct Danielle." I nodded.

"Where? I want to talk to her!" he face lit up like a six year old on Christmas morning. I always knew him and Dani were close friends and Zayn was gutted when she and Liam broke up. "Never mind I see her!" he cheerfull said and literally ran over to her. He ran up behind her and picked her up causing her to laugh. It was nice to see them both so happy to see each other again.

"Perre?" Sophia got my attention. "Who is Danielle?" she asked. I looked at Liam who was attached to her hip.

"Just an old friend of mine." I said then sent Liam a glare. Deep down I was still a bit mad at him for everything. No matter how long ago it has been. Okay, that's a lie, I'm still extremely mad at him.

"Was she friends with all of the boys?" she asked pointing over to the boys who were all talking to Danielle now.

"Yeah, we were all very close to her." I said smiling while watching all the boys being so happy around her. I miss the way they were all joyful and in good moods around her. She brightened everyone's day.

"Were you Liam? You can go say hello to her if you want, I can stay here with Perrie." She suggested to Liam and I had to cover my mouth with my hand to keep myself from laughing in her face.

"I was never close to her. She pisses me off." He remarked.

"Wow Liam. Aren't you a little lying asshole today?" I asked him, placing a hand in my hip.

"Shut the hell up Perrie!" he snapped at me, but I didn't care. This is how I towards Liam now, and this is how he is to me now. We just don't get along anymore.

"Are you just jealous to see her with another guy? Huh? Is that is it Liam?" I nagged on more.

"She isn't here with another guy, so just stop."

"Oh, she isn't? I'm pretty sure that is a guy that has his arm around her waist." I said and it was priceless to see his face when he looked up so fast to see if I was lying or not.

"He looks like a dick." He said scrunching up his face in disgust. I'm surprised Sophia hasn't butted into the argument yet.

"I think they look cute together. I think they would make cute babies." I almost laughed at Liam because his facial expression when I said that was so funny.

"Why don't you just rot in hell Perrie! You are just trying to piss me off!"

"Yes I am. And it's quite funny." I said smirking.

"I'm confused. Who is this Danielle girl again?" Sophia finally intruded on the conversation.

"No one big. Just Liam's ex girlfriend who they raised a little boy together. And then broke up with her right after their son died in a car accident because he is a selfish son of a bitch. Oops did I just say that out loud? My bad, I better get going." I smirked at Liam then started to walk away but not before I heard him yell after me.

"Go to hell Perrie! You're such a bitch!"


Okay, so I know I made Perrie and Liam really rude and bitchy in the chapter but I don't think they are really aren't like that. I love Perrie and I know she isn't really like that.

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