Chapter 18

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**Danielle's POV**

----few days later----

I picked out a few more shirts and threw them onto the bed. I grabbed the last pair of shoes I would need to threw them onto to the pile also.

"Danielle! I'm coming up." I heard Liam yell from the bottom of the steps follows by the cracking noise of the old steps.

"Don't come in here, you are going to be mad at me!" I yelled back since I just started packing and we had to leave in just two hours.

"Why would I be mad at - oh my ,you haven't even started packing " he said and appeared at the door way.

"Yeah sorry. I had to help Tazy downstairs and I was going to use that time to pack. But the place was really busy and Jeffery had to make a delivery." I explained and ran to the bathroom and got a smaller bag and started to fill it with all the stuff I would need.

"It's fine. Want my to help?"

"No I got it!" I yelled from the bathroom. I put to last of my bathroom things then ran back into the bedroom and threw the smaller bathroom bag into the big suitcase on the bed. "Li, stop it!" I yelled when he started helping me fold the pile is cloths on the bed.

"I just want to help!" he laughed and tried to grab another shirt but I pulled it away from him.

"If you really want to help me then go get me a chicken sandwich from the deli that's like a block from here. I'm starving and been craving on of those."

"I guess." he sighed and stood up. "I'll be back in a few." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "And try to be packed." he joked and slapped my butt.

"Liam!" I yelled at him as he walked down the stairs laughing.

(Haha he finally gotta smack her bum. I crack myself up)

**Liam's POV**

After I got Danielle's chicken sandwich thing, I went back to her little apartment. The bakery was crowded and I had to practically push my way through the swarm of people.

"Dani! I'm back with your chicken thingy!" I yelled as I walked up the steps.

"Set it on the table please!" She yelled and it sounded like she was in the bathroom. I sat the small bag down and followed the sound of her humming voice into the bathroom. She was leaning close to the mirror and putting that wand paint stuff on her eyelashes.

"What are you doing?" I softly asked and pulled her and down away from her face and took the makeup tool from her then sat it down in the sink.

"Putting on mascara, what does it look like?" she asked in that tone that makes me feel like I said something stupid.


"Because I don't want to look dead." she said and tried to grab some other thing of makeup but I grabbed it from her. "Liam!" she yelled in a frustrated tone an lunged for the makeup bag I was holding. "Liam stop it! We have to leave soon and I have to finish getting ready!" I dropped the bag on the floor and picked her up and sat her down on the sink counter. I grabbed the washcloth and ran some water over it. I stepped in between her legs and held her chin in one hand. I gently rubbed the cloth over her skin to get rid of all the makeup she had put on. Extra carefully, dragged the damp cloth over her eyes. She stayed silent and allowed me to take all the makeup off. When it was all gone I sat the cloth down in the sink and looked at her in the eyes with a smile.

"There's my beautiful babygirl." I whispered.

"Why'd you do that?" she softly asked while staring down where my hands rested on her upper thighs.

"Because you don't need all that stuff covering up your beautiful face." I smiled but she continued to frown.

"That's a lie." She said so softly.

"No it's not. You are so beautiful baby." I tried to lift her head up so she could look at me but she wouldn't let me. "I'm not just saying that because I love you. I'm saying that because you really are beautiful Danielle. You shouldn't think that you need to put makeup on to look pretty. I wish you could see just how beautiful you are."

"I think we need to be going." She pushed me away and hoped down from the counter top.

"Well now you're upset." I huffed and followed her out of the bathroom.

"No." She lied.

"Yes you are. Please stop walking away." I said and grabbed her elbow so she would stop. I turned her around and say her eyes all watery.

"I r-really don't want to talk to you right now."

"No. Don't say that." I pulled her close and she struggled a little bit but ended up wrapping her arms around my waist and let me hold her.

"They still hate me" she cried out against my chest.

"Who hates you?" I tried to act calm while talking but on the inside I wanted to punch who ever hates her.

"Every single one of them. You should see what they say on Twitter and Instagram. They hate me Li." She said and I knew exactly who 'they' are now...the fans.

"I thought you deleted all your accounts."

"I did, but I made new ones and they found them and they hate me! And I'm fat and ugly and a slut and I know I am but it hurts when people point it out to you." She sobbed out all in one breath.

"You aren't any of that. Don't listen to them hon. Okay? I love you so much and it hurts to know you think like that. You are perfect just the way you are. And I love that." I softly planted a kiss on the top of her head and rocked us side to side.

"When I was with you it was so easy to ignore it all. But it's different without you. It's harder when no one is there to keep me balanced. That's what you did. You kept me from being like I am now. They always get to me now."

"Well I'm not leaving you ever again. I'm right here, now and forever."

"Now and forever." She repeated.

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