Chapter 26

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**Danielle's POV**

He is going to get in trouble. We should have just drove to the store. What if he has to break up with me?

I pulled off my wet shirt and grabbed Liam's shirt off of the floor that he wore last night the pulled it over my head. I got out of my jeans and threw them in the dirty clothes basket. I sat on the edge of the bed and started to think of the worst possible things that could be going on down stairs. I tried to think of other things but I just can't. The wait is getting longer and longer now. I can't hear any yelling so maybe things aren't that bad?

The front door closed.....

"Dani?" I heard Liam call then the bedroom door opened.

"Liam, I am so sorry. I got you in trouble." I quickly stood up and ran to him. He let me wrap my arms around him.

"It's not your fault baby. It's okay."

"No it's not. I shouldn't have even asked to walk to the store. We should have just drove. I'm so sorry Li."

"Stop saying you are sorry." He lightly ran his fingers through my hair and swayed us back and forth.

"Wh-What happened?"

"He talked to other members of the management and they all wanted us to wait till London but he thinks it would work better if I told the media tonight."

"Tonight!?" I panicked and lightly pushed him away from me.

"I now it is sooner than we expected but if I don't do it then more serious measures are going to be taken and I won't get a choice in anything then." He sighed and fell backwards onto the bed and covered his face with my pillow.

"Like making you break up with me?" I asked and slightly feared the answer.

"Exactly." He said after he lifted the pillow from his face. "Why does the most awful things happen to us?"

"I ask myself that a lot too." I sighed and curled up next to him.

"I swear our lives could be some sad romantic movie." He laughed and pulled me even closer to him while wrapping his arms around my lower back. "So, I have to do a LiveStream but you don't have to be in it." He said.

"Oh thank goodness because I look like crap."

"Nah, you tend to look pretty sexy in my clothes." He said tugging on the collar of his shirt of was wearing. "And plus you aren't wearing any pants so it's fun to grab your butt." He said then squeezed my butt.

"Liam! Stop it!" I yelped and wiggled away from him.

"Can I use your laptop please? I think I left mine at Niall's." Liam asked sitting up.

"Yeah sure." I said and leaned over and grabbed it from the side table then handed it to him. He opened it and waited it for it to load.

"What's the password?" He asked looking back at me.

"Oh, um, I'll just type it in." I said and stared to lean forward to type but he pulled it away.

"Noooo! Tell me what it is!"

"Its 'Liam and Dani 0829'." I sighed and buried my face in my hands.

"0829? That's my birthday." he laughed and I heard him typing. "You're such a dork." He said, playfully shoving me.

"Shut up Liam!" I said hitting him in the shoulder.

"I just tweeted that I would be starting in five minutes, so we have some time to waste." He said then wiggled his eyebrows at me.

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