Chapter 17

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1. What were you for Halloween? (I was Cat in the Hat....well I only wore the hat)

2. What has been your favorite Peazer moment in both books??

Love you.

Danielle fell asleep after she ate some pizza. I wasn't going to bother in waking her up because then she would stay if she was asleep. If she doesn't wake up, I'll set and alarm for the morning so she has plenty of time to go back to her place and get ready for work. But I kind of want her to wake up so I can try to talk her into coming back to England with us.

I turned off the lamp and tv so she could sleep better and slipped out of the room leaving the door half open and half closed. I need to go talk to Paul about getting an extra plane ticket for home. Even if she doesn't agree on coming back, I can get her to come for a vacation or something.

"You swear you heard him right?" I heard a voice from around the corner. I stopped and decided to eavesdrop. I could tell the voice was Niall's

"I didn't just hear! I just went in there and saw them!" I heard and defiantly knew it was Zayn.

"So are they like together, together?" Louis. Duh, I can tell by the accent.

"I don't know. I don't think he even knows." Zayn said. They sound like a bunch of teenage girls gossiping.

"So what's going to happen with them when vacation ends?" another voice asked...Harry.

"He wants to ask her if she will come back but he doesn't know how she will take it and all." Zayn answered his question.

"I wish she does. She makes the best food ever." Of course Niall has to say that.

"We all want we to come back. And I know Perrie wouldn't be upset if she came back. She misses her like crazy."

"We all miss her. Well... we miss them together. They kept each other down to earth and serious and together they made everyone happy" There was long pause before Zayn spoke up.

"That was deep Louis, thank you." It was said in a close to joking tone.

"I swear you guys are little girls." I huffed and stepped out, walking last them and knocked on Paul's door.

"He's not in there." Niall said.

"Where is he?"

"We think he went out or something with Preston and Matthew." Zayn said. Matthew! That's his name!

"Alright. I'll just come back later." I said and started to walk back to my room.

"Wait!" Niall stopped me. "So is it official? Are you and Danielle back together?"

"Why don't you ask Little Miss Zayn the Gossip Queen." I said and went back into the room before they asked anymore questions. I cleaned the two glasses we used for dinner and put them away then went back into the room. Danielle had moved up to the top of the bed and has hugging one of my pillows.

"You left." She said but when I looked over at her, her eyes were still closed and looked like she was still sleeping.

"I had to go talk to Paul about something but he wasn't in his room. Sorry." I bent down and grabbed my phone and sent Paul a text asking when he will get back.

"Is everything alright?" She asked and extended her hand to take mine. I smiled and kissed her knuckles.

"Perfect." I let go if her hand and sat down beside where she was lying down.

"Cuddle with me." she begged. I laughed at her pouting, then laid down beside her and pulled her into my chest, keeping my arms tight around her.

"I have to ask you a question." I said and decided to start the whole 'back to England' thing this way.

"Ask away." She whispered. I could tell she was half asleep, but that might be an advantage.

"Will you come back to England?" I straight out asked. But she stayed silent. "It doesn't have to be permanent if you don't want, maybe just a vacation. And you can stay with me. And if you want to come back for good, which is only if you want to, you can move back in. And I know you want to take things slow, but I don't exactly know where we stand with that. But I don't know how I will live with myself if you are in a complete different country." I finished my blabbering.


"Okay? As in 'okay I heard you' or 'okay I'll go'?" I asked getting my hopes up a bit.

"Okay, I'll go." She clarified. She broke out of my arms and sat up.

"Seriously?!" I sat up and moved so I was right in front of her.

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about it with Mark," I went through the names she told me and remembered I didn't have to worry about him. "And he made me realize some stuff. Some important stuff I had forgotten." She finished.

"I'm so happy right now, you don't understand!" I said with a gigantic smile and placed my hand on her knee.

"Well then I am happy that you are happy." She had that smile that could just make your day a million times better.

"Are you going to come back for good?" I asked and dipped my head down just a bit so I couldn't look at her directly in the eyes. But when I saw her smile slowly disappear, I feared the answer.

"I d-don't know. I haven't made up my mind. I mean, I love it here. And also the UK. I have made a few friends here and I don't want to just get up and leave them. And I have a job here. And in England I don't and have no income of money for rent of an apartment. So if it would be permanent, it would be a little while." She explained.

"You don't have to work anymore though, I'll take care of you."

"Li, I don't you paying for everything for me. I need to do stuff on my own." She sighed and looked down. I used my finger to lift her chin up to look at me.

"I want to though. I want to show you I can take care of you and make you happy."

"I don't need your money to be happy. I want to do this on my own." She kept insisting.

"Fine. But you will still come back? Maybe even for good?" I decided to push it one last time.

"I need some time to think. But defiantly for a little bit." she said and her smiled returned.

"I can settle for that." I smirked. "For now." I said and we both busted into laughter.

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