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I will updating later today if you guys promise to read my concert experience below. I didn't get to go with friends so I had no one to fangirl with so I need someone to fangirl with me. So please read my concert story. And NO I AM NOT BRAGGING! I just need to tell someone about it.

So at the begging Ashton kept pointing his drum stick at me and Calum looked right at me when he was playing. And Michael walked around the little rail thing to wave at me. And when 1d came on Harry took my phone and I wanted him to record a video of them on stage but he ended just taking a picture of me and then-

Y'all crazy if you think that actually happened.....

I can't afford for good seats like that!

I was on the top level, people.

But even though I was high up it was still the best thing ever. And when people say "the whole place was shaking it was so loud." They aren't kidding. And when ever the drums played I could literally feel it in my bones. It was such a great feeling. I could have been blind and still happy cause just being there made me feel amazing. It's a great experience to feel like I did. You just get this huge adrenaline rush but you don't want to jump around, you want to sit perfectly still and just take it all in. Even if you don't like One Direction, just being there would make you happy because the atmosphere is to energetic and vibrant. I think I would have been happy at any concert cause I loved the whole feeling and atmosphere of the whole thing. But it being my two favorite bands makes it better.

And when they step on stage you get this feeling like "omg they really are real. They aren't just picture and videos. They're real." it's just so amazing.

And I love how they personalize every concert. They have such big hearts towards everyone in every single arena.

My absolute favorite part of the entire concert is when Louis checked to see how long Niall's armpit hair was. I got a picture of it and is now my lock screen.

Alright thank you for letting my talk about it. I'll be updating by the end of day.

Love you guys so much and I wish you guys all find sometime in your life that you feel like I did last night. <3 <3 <3

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