Chapter 31

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Here you go my loves.

"What do you mean you turned down the job?!" Liam yelled only inches away from me.

"I-I just don't want the job anymore." I looked at the floor. Looking at Liam when he is upset only makes you feel guilty.

"You just told me yesterday how much you fucking love it there! What hell happened in less then 24 hours Danielle?!"

"I don't know, okay? I just didn't want to work in a hospital anymore!" I'm not going to take him yelling at him anymore.

"God, your so picky about everything! Even about a fucking job!!"

"Really Liam!? If it is such a big deal that I'm not working right now. I'll go find a freaking job!" I moved out from standing in front of him and grab my purse to leave.

"Don't be an idiot!" he yelled and snatched my purse from me.

"So I'm an idiot now?!"

"No your being a brat now." he threw the purse onto the bed causing most of my things to spill out.

"LIAM!" I yelled at him for throwing my things and calling me a brat.

"Don't yell at me! Don't even let my name come out of your mouth right now, you don't understand how pissed I am at you at this moment." He said while pacing around the room rubbing his hand over his face

"Damn it, I knew all of this was going to blow up in my face! You know what Liam, don't worry about the fucking job. Don't even worry about me."

I walked over to the closet and reached for the suitcase I have kept half unpack and half full of my stuff.

"What are you doing?!"

"Getting the hell out of this place." I quickly opened the dresser drawer and grabbed a handful of my things and threw them in the suitcase not worrying about folding them.

"Because running away from you problems is the answer?!?!"

"My problem is you! You are constantly suffocating me with all your shit! A person can only take so much Liam!" I zipped up and suitcase not caring if I had everything.

"If you weren't such a baby about everything you wouldn't have that problem!"

"Just shut the hell up please!" I scooped all my thrown stuff on the bed and dumped it back into my purse.

"Well none of this would be happening if you didn't turn the the freaking job!"

"I DIDN'T WANT THE FUCKING JOB LIAM!" I turned around and yelled at him. I walked into the bathroom with a another small bag in hand.

"Oh my gosh!" he stared laughing.

"What Liam!? What could possibly be so funny right now?!"

"I know what all this is about! Ha! You want to go on the tour so management won't send Sophia! Oh my God! Your just jealous that Sophia might have chance with me again!"

"You know what Liam? Fuck you! I fucking hate you!" The stuff in my hands where knocked out and the face was jerked to the side.

It took a few seconds of complete silence and no movement to realize what just happened...

Liam just slapped me.

"Get the hell away from me." I growled as I watched his face change form anger and regret.

"Danielle- I- oh my God- I-" he couldn't finish his sentence. I pushed past him and grabbed the suitcase and purse off the bed.

"Danielle, please. I don't know what happened. I can't believe I just did that. I'm sorry." He tried and grab and stop me.

"Don't touch me." I forcefully said and made my way down the stairs with the bags. My cheek stings so bad.

"Danielle. Don't go please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of the things I said and I didn't mean to hit you. You know I would never do something like that on purpose."

I opened the front door and walked to my car. I opened the back seat and put in my two bags.

"What's going on?" I turned around and there stood Liam's mother, Karen. I turned my back to her so she wouldn't see my red cheek.

"Mum, what are doing here?" Liam asked and casually tried and grab me to keep me from getting in the car.

"Just wanted to drop by and visit. Danielle are you leaving honey?"

"Uh yes ma'am. I am going to visit some friends for a few weeks." I kept my back to her.

"Oh well have a nice trip sweetheart."

"Thank you." I tried to yank my arm from Liam but he wouldn't let go. I looked up at him and saw his begging eyes.

"Let. Go." I harshly mouthed.

"Please." he softly whispered. I gave my arm on last pull and he let go. I opened the car door and quickly got in. I started the car and pulled outbid the driveway.

My last view being Karen hugging Liam hello while Liam looked directly at me.

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now