Chapter 15

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There was a knock on the hotel door a few hours later so I got up and opened the door and Zayn walked right in.

"Alright, now tell me where you were." he sat down on the couch and looked at me.

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged and shut the door.

"Yes, it does. I want to know"

"Zayn, it's not a big deal so don't worry about it." I was totally lying because it was a huge deal. He would flip if he knew.

"Well obviously it is, since it made you come out of your room and let me come back in. And you haven't kicked me out yet."

"I'm not going to tell you, so you are just wasting your time." I opened the fridge and got a soda can and opened it an took a sip then ended up putting it back because it tasted awful.

"Well I'm not leaving till you tell me." He said and crossed his arms like he was pouting.

"Well then you better make yourself comfortable." I smirked at him and started to look for food. I seriously need to go out and get a descent meal soon.

"Is that-" I heard him start to say. I turned around and saw him pick up the white polar bear. "Isn't this David's?" he held the stuffed polar bear in his hand and looked at it. I forgot to pick it up when Dani threw it cause she was upset.

"Yeah." I quietly said and snatched it back from him. I walked into the bedroom and put back where I had it the night before.

"Why do you have that? I thought Dani took all his stuff." he asked once I was back in the same room as him.

"When we went back on the tour bus it was in his bunk. She never took it." I told him. "So I kept it."

"Why do you have it here though?" He kept pushing the subject.

"I take it everywhere."

"But I thought you were over all of that?" he started in a questioning tone.

"Why does everyone think I can just 'move on' from it. It's not that easy." I said but I was getting frustrated so it came out rudely.

"But you-" he started but stopped and shook his head looking down. "I don't understanding Liam."

"There is nothing to understand." I sighed and looked away from him.

"Why have you suddenly changed? You were all parties and drinking. But now you are all back down to earth. Like the old Liam." I stayed quite and busied myself to cleaning up the room a little bit. "It's because you saw Danielle isn't it?"

"Was I really like that Zayn?" I asked and kind of feared the answer.

"Yes you were. You were a total dick. Now answer the question?"

"That's where I was last night, her place." I said since I really didn't know the answer to the question.

"And that's why you are in such a good mood now." He wasn't freaking out like I thought but was smiling like a complete weirdo.

"Yes. She just makes me so happy and I feel like I can finally breath again."

"Well I'm happy for you mate. You were going through a rough time and drinking and partying all the time and it was starting to scare me. It's good to have the real Liam back." He gave me a pat on the back.

"I can tell she is much happier too. And I don't want her to stay in that awful apartment anymore-"

"Yeah that place is pretty bad. I thought it was going to collapse at any second. And it had that old smell" he said interrupting me.

"Yeah I know. And I want her to come back to England with us but I don't know if she will. At first she said she wanted to take things slow but after last night, I don't know what to think and-"

"That's gross I didn't need to know that." I ignored his comment and kept talking.

"And I know she loved the job at the hospital and maybe she can get the job back. But not at the same hospital of course because she once said it was suffocating to be there after Stacy died. But she loved that job. So if I convince her to come back with us, I can help her get a nursing job again. But I don't want to push her. And I love her so much and want her with me now forever." I was out of breath from my talking and sat down on the couch.

"Why don't you be honest with her and tell her all the stuff you just told me."

"It's not that easy Zayn. Even with everything that happened last night she is still going to be confused about things and so am I. And I don't think neither us know what we want."

"You just told me what you want!" he said laughing. "You said you wanted to be with her!"

"Yeah I do but," I started to say and I didn't know how to finish my sentence.

"Just ask her Liam! Tell her you want her to come back to England with you and see what she says. If she says no then you have to find away to make it work. And if you really love each other then it will work out." He walked to the door and walked out, shutting it behind him.

"Damn you Zayn, and your wise words and shit" I said to myself as I buried my face in a pillow.

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now