Chapter 13

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Because of recent events, I have really been inspired to write. So don't worry about long waits for updates anymore. And to be honest... I've already thought about a book three...

And I just want to let you all know I love you all so much and you are worth it. If anyone of you need to talk for any reason, don't be scared to message me. And you all are so beautiful. Don't forget that :)


"Can I ask you something and you be one hundred percent honest with me?" he asked me.

"Maybe. Depends on the question."

"I need you to be honest."

"I'll try." I lightly shrugged.

"The other day, you said 'I don't another mental break down because of Sophia,' what did you mean. It's been bugging me since you said it." He said and I lifted his arm that was around me and slipped away from him.

"I told you, it was just a metaphor." I whispered and tucked my knees up to my chest.

"You said you would at least try to be honest." He reached his hand and lightly touched my knee but I pushed his hand back.

"I hate how you do that now. You did it just a few minutes ago." He sighed while looking down.

"Do what?"

"Push me away like that. You do it too much now. It's like you are scared of me. I hate it."

"I-I... I don't know what to say." I admitted and placed my chin on my knees.

"Are you scared?" he lifted his head to look at me. "Of me?" he finished. I don't know what do say. I didn't even notice I was pulling away from Liam that often.

"He acted just like you." I said out loud but it was meant to stay in my thoughts.

"Who?" he asked but then took it back. "Oh, I see."

"He wanted to grow up and be just like his Dad." I closed my eyes to help the tears stay in.

"You see him when you look at me, don't you?" I nodded my head, keeping my eyes closed. "Don't cry please." he said but didn't try touch me.

"I'm sorry." I said with a sob at the end and a small sniffle.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I should be over this. At happened a year ago."

"What? That's crazy Dani," he scooted closer to me but still didn't touch me. "Just because it was a long time ago doesn't mean you can't be sad and upset about it."

"Well you aren't still upset about it! And Perrie seems fine. And Niall. Even Zayn! He was so close to David and even he is over it." I said maybe a bit too frantically but the whole crying thing wasn't helping.

"Just because you think it still doesn't effect them doesn't mean you have to move on from it."

"Think?! I know Liam." My sobs were uncontrollable know. "You don't seem the least bit effect by it. By any of it! You had a girlfriend only a month after all of it. You were fine, all smiling in the tabloids and stuff. I saw all of it. David and I were only a chapter in you life and when the chapter was over you started the next. Everyone else moved on and lived happy lives. And I sat in a fucking alley crying one night because I had no place to go and was all alone! I still cry all the time about it. It was a freaken year ago!" I sobbed out. I took a few deep breathes in and out. "God, I'm so stupid." I whispered to myself for telling Liam all of this.

"You think I'm over it?!" he said in a louder tone. "David was everything to me. I loved him so much, I'm not just going to 'move on.' Just two weeks ago Louis walked into my room and I balling like baby over it. You can even ask him! It still hurts me too Dani!" He quickly stood up and went into the bedroom leaving me alone in the main room, crying on the couch. I heard some stuff being thrown around in the room then he walked back out with something in his hand.

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