Chapter 11

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Please read the authors note at the end. Very important.

There was a knock at the bottom of the stairs. I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs and threw the door open.

"So what's the emergency?" Zayn asked and held up his phone that had my text on the screen.

"Get in here!" I rushed out and pushed him up the stair and shut the door then followed him up the stairs. "Does anyone know you are here?"

"No because in your text you said, and I quote 'tell anyone you are coming over I will cut your eyes out' and I kind of enjoy seeing things." He laughed and went straight to my kitchen. "You never answered me." He said as he pulled out a carton of orange juice and took a drink from it then spit it back into the carton with a disgusted face. Remind me to throw that carton away. "That shit tasted nasty." he said whipping his mouth."

"I need someone to talk to, and you always say wise shit."I said answering the question he asked before ruining my orange juice. I went into bedroom and fell back down onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I guessing this is about you and Liam. Considering Liam has locked himself in his hotel room and won't answer the door or his phone." He sat down next to me.

"He what!?" I sat up so I could look at Zayn to see if he was lying or not. "Why is he doing that?"

"We thought it was because you two were kissing and then you ran off. You do that a lot, you know that right?" he shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

"I didn't run off."

"You kind of did Dani. We all saw it. And right after Liam grabbed his stuff an left, and hasn't come out of his room since."

"It's not my fault!" I quickly defended myself. "I just told him the truth Zayn. I didn't know how he was going to react to it."

"What did you say?"

"I said what needed to be said."

"Which is what exactly?" he sounded like he was really concerned about it.

"I told him we can't get back together because when in love someone always gets hurt." I tried to remember everything I said.

"That wouldn't have made him that upset to the point where we won't talk to anyone."

"I told him he needed to leave me alone." I tried to think of things that might have caused Liam to close up like Zayn said he has.

"Yeah we figured that but there has to be more. If that is the only thing you said he would just try to see you. Did you say anything else?"

"Oh I also said that when you love everything just gets ripped away from you." I answered remember another thing I said.

"Danielle!! You said that?!" he stood up quickly and looked at me like I retarded.

"What? I would think that was on of the smallest things I said." I didn't understand what the big deal was.

"That can go both ways Dani!"

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I yelled back. I didn't know why he is getting so upset with me.

"Dani," he sighed and sat back down beside me, now calm. "Did you think that maybe you made Liam see what you said?"

"English please." I groaned and plopped back down on the bed.

"That is true for Liam too." he started. "He finally felt so happy and was so in love with you and David." I tightly shut my eyes at the sound of the name. "And when the accident happened, he lost some happiness and love and all he had left was you. And then you were taken away and he nothing left."

"I didn't leave." I snapped. "Liam chose for me to be out of his life."

"Don't you see?!" he shot up again. "He wants you back Danielle! He has tried for so hard for an entire year to get ahold you and fix things. And once he had a chance to get all his love and happiness back, you wouldn't let him!"

"Shut up Zayn! I went through the same thing!" I yelled in his face "David was my son too! I loved him more than I loved anything on this entire planet, and I still love him to this day! And without him I have nothing. Nothing!"

"Nothing? Nothing?!?! You have Liam!"

"Me and Liam are over! Oh-ver! He ended it."

Zayn's angry face disappeared and was replaced by a smile. Then a small laugh.

"You aren't the same Danielle Peazer that was in the small hospital room where we first met." He shook his head and walked to the window. He shoved his hands into his front pockets and wouldn't look at me.

"Excuse me?"

"The Dani I know wouldn't have just let a guy kick her out. She would have fought for him. She wouldn't have changed her number and her entire life just to avoid a person. She was so in love with a certain guy that she gave up her dream so he could follow his. She didn't go out every night and get drunk with a random guy she met on the street on the night before. Or have random hook ups and act like it is no big deal. The Dani I know wouldn't be sitting in her apartment alone when the love of her life is in hotel room upset and broken."

Seconds and seconds pasted of me just staring at him and him just staring at me.

"Get out of my apartment Zayn. I wanted you to come and maybe try to help me, not for you to criticize me."

I stood up from my spot and walked out of the room and I heard him follow.

"Fine by me." He walked past me but stopped at the top of the stairs. "You think Liam broke your heart but in reality, you broke his a million times more." He started and walked down the wooden stairs, and shut the door and the bottom behind him.


Okay so its story time. I don't usually do this but I almost died so I am going to tell you guys.

My parents left town for the weekend and I am old enough to stay home by myself for the weekend. So I was at home minding my own business, and I saw a weird shape out my front window on my porch. And when I got closer to the window I saw it was a fucking snake. I literally screamed. I grabbed my phone and start crying. I wasn't just crying, I was sobbing. I HATE snakes. And I called my mom even though she 12 hours away I still called her! And I was just pure sobbing into the phone. And she is trying to calm me down and stuff but I can hea her yelling at my dad over the phone cause she was freaking out too. And I ended up calling my sister's boyfriend cause he lives the closest. And he came over and found the snake in the flower bed, but it got away before he could trap it down. So we got these weird smelling things to put outside cause I guess they make snakes go away. But I am still so scared and freaked out. But guys, the snake was over two feet long. And I just sobbed for like an hour. I can NOT handle snakes. I am so afraid it is going to get inside my house and like eat me. So if I don't update in a week or so, a snake ate me.

Okay bye....

Comment if I just made you laugh with my snake story...

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