Chapter 27

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I felt Dani being ripped from my arms. I quickly opened my eyes and watched her sprint to the bathroom. I stood up and followed her, only to watch her empty her stomach into the toilet. I gathered her hair back and gently rubbed her back as she threw up again.

"Here." I handed her a piece of toilet paper so she could wipe her mouth. She flushed the toilet and I helped her stand up. She went to the sink and brushed her teeth about three times.

"Why don't you go lie back down and I will make you some toast." I told her. She nodded then curled back up into the bed. I went downstairs and put two pieces of bread into the toaster then started a pot of coffee for myself. Once the toast was done I put it on a plate and poured a glass of her weird no fat, low calorie orange juice, that tastes really gross. I have no idea why she likes it. I put it all on a little tray then poured my coffee and carried it one hand and her tray of food in other.

"Here you go honey." I sat it down on the nightstand.

"No. I don't want to eat." She grumbled and pulled the covers closer to her face.

"You have to eat something love. Come on, please?" I helped her sit up then handed her a piece of toast but she took the smallest bite ever. "Danielle, please. Eat some more."

"Li, I can't- oh God." She jumped out of the bed with her hand over her mouth and ran into the bathroom.

"Oh baby." I sighed when I saw her on her knees again in front of the toilet. "Holy shit Danielle, you're throwing up blood!"

"Liam, called an ambluan-" she started to say but fell backwards and I watched her eyes roll to the back of her head. "Oh my God." I panicked but managed to keep myself together enough to run into the bedroom to grab my phone. I dialed the number and gave them the address.

"Dani, baby, please wake up. Come on," I lightly hit her cheek "you need to wake up right now, please." I kept begging her and soon tears were rushing down my face. I can't lose her, she is my everything. I kept shaking her but soon I was being shook. I expected to look up and see an EMS person but when they talked Dani's voice came out.

"Liam! Liam, wake up!" she screamed. I jolted forward and I wasn't in the bathroom anymore but in the bed like I was last night. It was still dark out and Danielle was hovering over me with red puffy eyes and tear streaks all down her cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, you're okay." I grabbed her and pulled her into my chest.

"It was just a dream Li." She softly said but I could tell she was scared too. "Calm down, you're breathing really hard. It's okay, I'm right here. Shhh." She kept calming me down with each and every word that left her mouth.

"I was so scared I thought you were gone." I huffed out holding her so tight.

"You scared me too. But it's okay now. I promise. Let's try to go back to sleep, yeah?"

"Yeah." I didn't let go of her. I need to hold her right now. "I love you so much." I told her. She needs to know that.

"I love you too babe. I'll see you in the morning." She leaned up and kissed my chin the rested her head back down on my chest.


I woke up and Danielle wasn't beside me. I started to panic but I smelled cooking downstairs so I quickly stood up and found a pair of sweatpants to put on. I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen where I found Dani standing over the stove, spatula in hand and making pancakes.

"Good morning." I said slipping my arms around her waist from behind.

"Morning." She mumbled. But with the tone of her voice something seemed off. "I already made you a plate. It's in the microwave." I slowly let go of her and went to the microwave to pull out my plate then sat down on a bar stool at the counter.

"I heard your phone ringing this morning." I stated and took a bite.

"Um yeah. Sorry I didn't mean for it to wake you up." She finished one last pancake and put it on her own plate, turned the stove off and placed the pan in the sink.

"No, it's fine. But who was it?"

"Hey, you want some coffee? I made some because I know you usually have a cup?" she quickly stood up and poured a cup. "Two sugars right?"

"Yeah." I hesitantly answered. "So, are you going to answer the question or keep avoiding it?" I asked once she sat the cup down in front of me.

"I don't want to tell you but I need to." She sighed taking a bite of her own food.

"Is it bad?"

"Depends how you think of it."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked trying to find some sort of emotion in her face.

"It was Dr. Suumer. Do you know who that is?" She asked.

"No. Who is he?"

"The Chief at the hospital on the other side of town. He- he wants me to join is child nursing head nurse. Do you know how big of an achievement it is to be given the job of head nurse? It means you are in charge of the entire department. It would be a huge pay."

"You want to take the job don't you?" I looked up from my, now empty, plate at her to watch her slowly nod her head yes while biting her lip. "Then you should take it."

"But you wanted me on tour with you."

"Touring is my dream. Not yours. This job is your dream, so need to do it." I reached across the counter and grabbed her hand giving it a light squeeze.

"You won't be mad?"

"Of course not." I gave a quick smile and stood up taking my plate and hers to the sink.

"We're going to be apart for a long time again. What if I can't handle it?"

"We did it once, we can do it again." I walked over to where she sat then bent down to kiss her.

"You still haven't shaved." She pointed out running her fingers over the facial hair on my chin.

"Not going to." I smirked looking right in her eyes.

"I just won't kiss you then." She smirked as if she won

"Let's see how long that last."

"Bring it on." she squinted her hers at me like it was war. "What was your nightmare about?" I watched as her eyes softened with the quick subject change.

"You were really sick and I couldn't help you and it scared me." She lifted her hand and cupped the side of my cheek running her thumbs right under my eyes.

"You scared me too. You were screaming and crying and I couldn't get you too wake up."

"Were you scared I was going to hurt you?" I asked closing my eyes to enjoy the feel of her running her finger through my hair.

"No. It felt like I couldn't help you, that's what scared me." I opened my eyes and saw her crying.

"Why are you crying?" I quickly wiped the tears away with the pad of my thumb.

"I couldn't help Stacy and David either." She wrapped her arms around me and since she was sitting down, she was only as tall as my stomach.

"Don't think like that." I sighed and gently ran my hand up and down her back to help calm her.

"I love you so much, Liam. Don't ever let me go, okay?" she sobbed.

"I won't. Ever. I promise." I picked her up, her legs were wrapped around my waist and I could hold her up. I carried her to the sofa and we sat down and talked about random things all day and cuddled and it was just a perfect day...



Only four more updates to the book...

Then it's over...

Lots of love,

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