Chapter 16

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**Dani's POV**

I slipped off my flip flops and laid out my towel next to Mark's. Then took off my tank top and shorts so my bikini was completely showing.

"Is there a reason you haven't stopped smiling?" he asked and slipped on some shades.

"What are you talking about?" I rubbed on some tanning lotion on my arms.

"The entire walk down here you didn't stop smiling." He said as I sat down with my legs crossed on my towel.

"I'm just happy, is that so wrong?"

"Dani? Happy? What the hell happened to make Danielle Peazer happy?" He made a dramatic gasp and clasped his heart. "Omg, I just said your name and the word happy in the same sentence."

"Stop it! Nothing has to happen for me to be happy!" I hit him in the arm and he winced in pain while clutching his arm.

"But seriously what happened? Cause you never act like this."

"ItoldLiamIatilllovehimandweendedupsleepingtogetherandIdontknowwhattothinkofitall!" I rushed out, all to fast.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"I said 'I told Liam I still love him and we ended up sleeping together and I don't know what to think of it all'."

"Well, that certainly is interesting." He sighed and leaned back on his towel.

"I don't know what to do Mark!" I said in a panicky voice. "I realized how much I love him and it's driving me insane! He is leaving in like a week and I'm scared I won't ever get to see him again. And-oh my gosh I love him so much it scares me! Help me Mark! Help! Me!"

"Okay well first... Calm the fuck down. And two just go back with the dude if you love him so much."

"What?! I love it here! Why would I leave?" I asked in a tone sounded like I thought he was crazy.

"Dani... you hate it here. The only thing keeping you here is that the One Direction boys aren't here. And now that you have realized your true feelings for Liam, you should go. You belong with them. They are like your family." He said shrugging like it was no big deal.

"But I don't want to leave you, or Jeffory, or Tazy. You guys are my friends. I can't just leave you guys. And don't forget Peanut! I love that guy."

"Danielle.... Peanut is the stray cat that sits outside your window at your apartment and you feed him burnt muffins and not to mention he smells like peanut butter." He said looking at me like was an idiot.

"Yeah so? He means a lot to me." I huffed and crossed my arms in a pouty way.

"Fine. But all I am saying is that you have been miserable here for an entire year and suddenly they show up and you are happy again."

"Are you sure you aren't related to Zayn?"

"What?" he said with a chuckle.

"You two always say some deep shit, I think you are related." I smiled at the silly thought and laid back in my towel to start my tanning for the day.

**Liam's POV**

After Zayn left I didn't move. I stayed on the couch clutching onto the pillow thinking about what he said.

There was a knock at the door but I didn't want to get up and get it.

"If you want in so bad then get the all pass key from Paul." I shouted at the door.

(Okay so I know that doesn't make sense cause Liam locked himself in his room and I was thinking 'why didn't the other boys just get the all pass key' and the answer is I don't know so just ignore my blonde moment, that will be great thanks)

"Liam, just get off your butt and open the door!" I heard the most beautiful voice yell from the other side. A smile found its way to me lips knowing I was going to be able to see Dani again. I stood up to open the door.

"Maybe I don't want to open the door." I said but was a totally kidding because I really wanted to.

"Liam!" she said knocking a few times.

"Fine. Fine." I laughed and unlocked the door to let her in. "Get in here." I said chuckling and pulled her into the room. I shut the door and immediately started kissing her.

'This isn't taking things slow' I told myself.

"You act like you haven't seen me In forever." She said once our kiss broke. She had her arms wrapped around my neck and our foreheads were touching.

"It feels like forever." I smirked and gave her lips another peck.

"Li, stop it!" she said once I started to kiss her neck. She lightly pushed me away but I still held onto her.

"Lets go get dinner somewhere, yeah? Anywhere you want." I suggested.

"I'm too tired to go anywhere." she huffed and slid her arms down so that they were now around my torso then placed her head on my chest.

"Fine by me. As long as I am with you." I kissed the top of her head and swayed us back and forth a little bit.

"I can't stay long. I'm tired and in desperate need of sleep." She said.

"No!" I whinnied and held her tighter. "Stay here please." I kept begging.

"As much as I want to stay, I'm tired and want to sleep."

"Then sleep here tonight. With me. We can have a lazy night and stay in bed all night and have a Harry Potter marathon. There is a channel that won't stop playing it."

"Will there be food?" she asked and caused me to laugh.

"I can oder some pizza."

"Then I can stay. But not all night, I have work tomorrow." I didn't push anymore at this moment. But later I will try to get her I stay. I let go of her and grabbed my phone. I ordered a pizza, not really paying attention to what I was saying because I was too busy watching Dani try to figure out the remote in the room. I hung up and went it help her. I pressed the 'on' bottom and the screen lit up.

"I swear that button wasn't there when I had it." She said ad held her hands up in surrender.

"Sure it wasn't love." I said sarcastically and found the network that has been playing Harry Potter all week. She jumped in the bed and laid on her stomach at the foot of the bed. I sat at the top of the bed and raised my feet up on her lower back.

"One of us has to get up when the pizza gets here." She pointed out.

"Nope. I sent it to Zayn's room and since it is addressed to me, he will just bring it down to my room."

"Ah, smart." She said and focused back on the screen. "Wait, how is he supposed to get in?"

"When I don't open the door, he will get the all pass key from Paul."

"Why is Paul here? I thought you said management has nothing to do with this vacation." she asked in her cute confused voice.

"Only Paul, Preston, and some other guy came just incase something happened."

"You have this all planned out, don't you?" She said with a small chuckle.

"Of course. Lazy day means lazy day."

And just like I said, Zayn came knocking on the door and we didn't answer. Then a few minutes later we heard the door open and Zayn came into the room.

"I swear, you two are the laziest people on this entire planet. Don't ever expect me to do this again. Next time I will eat the food." He said in a rampage and threw the pizza box down on the bed. "You know what, I deserve this." He said and opened the box and took a slice. "And you owe me ten bucks." He huffed and left the room leaving me and Dani laughing at his little tantrum.

.....yeah so that update was crap.....sorry

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