Chapter 24

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Yeah so the book skips two chapters because they were so awful I just deleted them.

~ 2 Weeks Later ~

This beeping noise needs to stop.

I lifted my hand and smacked the alarm so it shut up then rolled over to wake Liam up.

"Li, wake up. You need to get ready." I told him and lightly nudged his shoulder then placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"I don't want to go to a stupid radio interview." He whined and wrapped his left arm around me to pull me closer.

"Well you have to and if you are late you are going to get in trouble so I suggest you get up." I leaned up and kissed his chin then moved back over to my side of the bed. "And shave, that was gross." I said wiping my mouth.

"What? I'm trying to grow out a bread." He laughed moved over to me. He put his chin on my check so his stubble hair was tickling me.

"Liam stop it!" I said pushed his face away.

"I'm not shaving it." He proudly smiled at me like he had won the argument.

"Okay. Then I guess I just won't kiss you." I smirked and watched his eyes go wide. But then return back to normal.

"Fine." He said and got up from the bed. He went to the bathroom and started the shower. He striped of his clothes then got in.

"Holy shit!" he screamed "That is freaken hot!" he kept shouting.

"You're a dork!" I yelled loud enough so he could hear.

"Shut up Dani!" he yelled back laughing. After a few minutes I decided to get up. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face and listened to Liam sing in the shower.

"There aren't allowed to be any cameras there, you know." He said poking his head out from the shower curtain to look at me staring into the mirror.

"Why are you telling me this?" I pulled out my hair straightener from the drawer and plugged it in to heat it up.

"Because that means you can go. There won't be any pictures taken so no one will know you are there." He said and put his head back behind the curtain.

"I don't know Li." I shrugged and ran the two hot plates over strands of my hair.

"Please honey!? Afterwards we can go get an early lunch with all the boys. Please? And I have met the radio guy before and he is really nice so I can just tell him not to say or ask anything about you. Please come!" he begged me.

"Are you positive there is going to be zero cameras?"

"One hundred and ten percent positive." He said and poked his head back out so I could see his smile.

"Fine I'll go." I gave in and finished straightening my hair. He turned the water off and I handed him a towel. He thanked me and wrapped it around his waist and walked into the room to grab some clothes.

"We have to leave in about forty minutes." He shouted to me.

"Can we go grab some coffee? I need some caffeine!" I yelled back to him. He said yes so I started to get ready a little faster. I finished my hair and put on very little makeup since I know Liam would have a fit if I came out with a bunch on. I picked out some dark jean colored skinny jeans and put on a camisole black tanktop and stole one of Liam's long sleeved flannel shirts and put in on leaving it unbuttoned. I put on my black vans.

"Liam you ready?!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs where he was.

"Yeah lets - is that my shirt?" he asked pointing to it.

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now