Chapter 9

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"Here is your change sir." I handed back a few coins to a man and he smiled while picking up the box of muffins he bought. Once he left the store was completely empty, just me and Tazy. Jeffery had a small delivery so he went by himself.

"Hey Dani?" I heard Tazy called from the back. I closed the cash register and went to the back where we bake all the pies and stuff like that.

"What's up?" I poked my head around the corner and saw her looking very seriously at a cake.

"Come frost this letter, I can't get it right." She handed me a frosting tube and I put the letter M on the name Mary. I guess it's someone girl's named 'Mary' birthday.

"Thank you. Your a life saver!" she said "now get out of my kitchen." She gave me a light shove out of the back room. I heard the bell ding signally that someone has come into the store.

"Ah! I found her!" I heard a voice say. I snapped my head up and saw Harry and Niall.

"What are you dorks doing here?" I chuckled at them and placed my hands on the counter.

"Well we knew you worked at a bakery and there is only three in this whole town so we went to all of them and also a nail salon looking for you." Niall explained and started to look at all the food in the display cases.

"A nail salon?" I asked and pulled out two cookies and have them to both of them. They were about to be thrown out anyway.

"We made a mistake and thought it was bakery. We got some pretty weird stares." Harry explained with a mouth full of cookie.

"Nice one boys." I laughed at them and Niall ended up choking on his cookie trying not to laugh. "So why at you two looking for me?"

"Will you come to the beach with us?" They both said at the same time.

"I don't know..." I trailed off and tried to figure out some excuse in my mind.

"Please. Perrie is going to be there, you two can have, like, girl talk or some shit like that." Harry said.

"Fine. But only because I want to see Perrie." I took off my apron and put it on the hook. I left the boys and went to the back. "Tazy, I'm leaving for the day. You can handle everything right?"

"Yeah sure. Go have fun." He waved me off and went back to icing her cake.

"Thanks." I yelled back a I went back to front. "Give me a few minutes boys. I need to go change and get my beach bag." I pulled the key to the staircase door out and unlocked the door.

"Wait, you live above this place?" Niall asked looking up the stairs.

"Yup." I poped the 'P' and hurried up the stairs. I got into my swimming suit and put on a pair a jean shorts on and a random white tank top I found in my beach bag. I made sure I had tanning lotion, my phone and a towel once I had everything I ran back down the stairs and found Harry and Niall still waiting for me.

"Come on, everyone is already there." Harry ushered me out of the door and Niall followed behind us.


"Yes. Everyone." Niall replied putting his sun glasses on.

I am not quite sure where me and Liam stand right now. We talked about a lot of stuff last night, and I am still confused about most of it. After we kissed the last time I ran off...literally. I cried my self to sleep last night going over everything that happened that night. I don't think I am ready to see Liam again.

"Maybe I shouldn't go..." I turned around and started to walk back to my apartment but Harry lifted my off of my feet and threw me over his shoulder.

"Nope. You're going. No 'maybe' about it." He said then slapped my bum.

"Harry!" I yelled at him and hit him in the back as hard as I could. I heard Niall laughing off to the side of us but I couldn't see him be cause Harry's ass is in my face!!

"I swear to God, if you fart I will cut all your hair off and bake it in a cake and make you eat it."

"I don't think that would taste very good." He laughed and almost tripped making us both almost fall.

"That's the point Harold." I said putting emphasis in his full name.

"The beach!!" I heard Niall yell and I assume he took off running because he wasn't beside us anymore.

"Some serious shit is about to go down." He murmured as we approached the group. "Look who we kidnapped!" Harry said and sat me down on my feet.

"Hi." I awkwardly said and waved.

"Ahe! Dani, looking hot babe!" Louis said gave me a light hug. I know him and El broke up, but I think he only said that to piss Liam off.

"Don't talk to her like that." Zayn said and gave me hug. "Nice to see you again, we havn't talked in awhile."

"We talked like two days ago!" I said and pulled off my tank top and but some tanning lotion on.

"I know! It has been so long!" he sat back down on his towel and put on some sun glasses.

"Zayn, you are extremely pale." I told him and pulled out my towel from my beach back to lay out.

"Why do you think I am here? Plus you have lived her or like a year now and you have a tan so shut up." He laughed and threw a handful of sand at me. I pulled off my shorts so I saw just in a bikini now. I sat down on my towel on my stomach to start my tanning for the day.

"I worked hard for this tan, and I'm proud of it!"

"Yeah and you look great!" Harry said and bent down to slap my bum again.

"What is with you and slapping my ass today?!?" I threw sand at him and he ran off into the water with Niall and Perrie. "How long are you guys in town for?"

"About another two weeks." Louis said taking a sip of water from his water bottle.

"I'm surprised management gave you guys that long for a vacation." I sneered off then regretted it. "Oh that was rude! I'm sorry."

"Wow aren't you a little goody goody!" Louis joked then ran off to the water.

"Oh, would you look at that looks like I should go into the water." Zayn said then got up.

"Wait! Wait! No! You can't even swim!" I yelled at him. I didn't want to be left alone with Liam. But Zayn didn't turn around, just kept running to the water.

"Since Harry got to slap your ass, does that mean I can?" I heard Liam ask from his towel that was a few feet away.

"Ha, no. But nice try." I chuckled a bit and turned onto my back to tan my other side.

"It was worth a shot." He said and by the tone of his voice I knew he was smiling. -

I see One Direction and Five Seconds of Summer in 2 days!!!!! So I am going to be updating on Monday so I can tell you guys how my concert went! Comment the part of the stories that you think has been the most hilarious! Love you all!

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