Chapter 19

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"Don't worry about cameras. No one knows we are here anyways." I told Danielle as we pulled into the airport parking lot. I thanked and paid the taxi. The other boys pulled into the lot also and followed us in.

"Where's Perrie?" Dani whispered to me.

"Um, her and Zayn got into a fight and she left last night." I explained quietly to make sure Zayn wouldn't hear.

"What?! They never fight!"

"It's okay. They will work it out. They are perfect for each other and both of them wouldn't give up that easy. They just need a little time part." I gave her hand a light squeeze. We walked in and the security check and everything went smoothly. It was so much easier without all the cameras and fans around. We waited for awhile then were finally allowed to board the plane. It was a small plane and we all agreed on not flying first class and just acting not famous for once. Danielle took the window seat, I sat in the middle then Niall sat on the she seat next to me.

"That was an amazing vacation and we need to do that more often." Niall said causing me and Dani to crack up laughing.

"You guys had your vacation, now it's my turn to have a nice vacation." Danielle sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"It's not really called a vacation when you are just visiting your home." Niall pointed out.

"Shut up Niall. I'm going to call it a vacation since I haven't got to go on one for, like, a year." She said laughing. The plane started to move down the runway.

"Fine. Fine. I hope you have a wonderful vacation Dani" Niall joked at her.

"Well thank you Niall." She said and looped her arm through mine and laid her head down in my shoulder.

"Here." I handed her an earbud and pressed play on my phone. I put the other bud in my ear and the lyrics to 'You Found Me' by The Fray.

About an hour or so later she fell asleep. I gently took the earbud I had out so it wouldn't bother her, but kept the music playing for her.

"What are you going to do if she doesn't want to stay?" Niall whispered to me.

"I don't know. Follow her back to California I guess." I sighed. I don't even like think about being away from her again. I was so stupid before, but not anymore.

"We have a tour planned for this year you now that right?"

"Don't point that out right now." I huffed out and closed my eyes.

"Are you going to tell the fans about being back together?"

"No." I plainly said. "Today before we left, she told me how bad the hate is right now. And that's with them not knowing we are dating. Imagine what it would be like when they do know."

"She dealt with it really well before. Why is it different now?" he turned slightly in his chair to look at me.

"She didn't have me. That's what she told me. She said it was much easier with the hate and all when we were together." I admitted. "I felt awful when she said that though. I left her all alone and the most awful time in her life. Damn, I'm such a jerk." I ran my free hand over my face.

"Don't think like that mate." Niall said patting me on the shoulder. "You two have a chance at being happy again that's all that matters." He smiled at me.

"Thanks Niall."

"Danielle." I softly whispered her name. "Wake up. We landed." I lightly shook her shoulder. "Come one honey wake up." I said and she lifted her head.

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