Chapter 2

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**Danielle POV**

"Bye Mark." I told him and he lightly kissed me on the cheek then walked off down the street. I walked into the small bakery that I work in, and not to mention I live in the apartment above it.

"Hello Jeffery!" I waved to Jeffery who owned the small bakery. He always stays late to make a few cakes and stuff. I walked to the back where an old woodden door was. I unlocked it and walked up the creaky old wooden steps.

The apartment is small, but not small. Almost like the perfect size. Right as you walk in is the kitchen table to the right and right ahead is the kitchen and then a doorway to the left that was the living room. And the walls were a pretty vintage brick. Then to the right of the kitchen is the bathroom and even more to the right is another doorway to the bedroom. When I first moved it the place was creepy as hell. But with the help of some people I met, it become for livable and home-ish. I redecorated and painted and added a few stuff of my own.

"Hello Peanut." I patted my cat in the head. Well, it's not exactly my cat. When I moved it it was kind of just living up here and I couldn't get it to go away. And now he just comes and goes. He would be here one week and gone the next. And I just feed him the bakery's food scraps. I gave him the name peanut because one time when he came back he smelled like and peanut butter.

I got changed out of my 'party' clothes and but on some sweatpants and a loose tshirt that I think is Mark's. I sat on the bed an opened my laptop then turned on the television to watch Saturday Night Live.

My phone buzzed next to me causing me to jump since I was so focused on the laptop.

*We still on for the beach tomorrow?*

It was from Mark.

*Yeah. I don't get off till two, we can go after. *

*Sounds good. I'll pick you up?*

*See you then :) *

I sent the last text and the conversation was over.

And when he says 'pick you up' he really just means knocking on the staircase door and us walking to the beach since it is only like two blocks away. Going to the beach with Mark is kind of a tradition now. We go almost everyday. And not complaining because I have an amazing tan because of it.

The town I live in now is a small town. But it's a fun town. It's right next to the beach and their are so many shopping outlets and clubs. It kind of a party town that mostly all younger, party people live in. I'm not too much into all the parties but I love the beach.

I shut my laptop off and put it on the charger then put my phone away. But not before I set an alarm to get up for work.


"Danielle, will you get your ass up and get down here and work?!?" I heard Jeffory yelling. He walked back down the stairs and closed the door at the bottom. I sat up and looked at the clock. It's a whole two hours before I have to be working. I found a shoe on the floor and picked it up. I walked out of bedroom and stood at the top of the stairs then threw the shoe down so it hit the wooden door at the bottom. And a few seconds later Jeffery opened the door.

"Did you just throw a shoe at the door?" he asked but I knew he wanted to laugh.

"Yes. Now, why are you waking me up considering I don't have to be working for another two hours?"

"Because this bitchy lady on the phone wants her cake delivered right now even though she asked for it to be delivered at noon. So I need you to come with me."

"Ugg! Give me ten minutes!" I yelled and he shut the door so I could get ready. I put on a pair of light blue ripped jean shorts and a crop top that had a panda on it. Then some regular white TOMS. I quickly applied my makeup and brushed through my hair then grabbed my phone and went down the stairs.

Short sorry. Comment what you think will happen next chapter!!!

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