Chapter 25

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So I usually don't update in the middle of the week but I came home from school today and had 105 notifications of votes and comments from you guys. So this is just a thank you!

Oh. And only 6 chapters left :)

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" I peeked my head into our bedroom where Danielle was on the bed on her laptop.

"Uh, oh. That doesn't sound good." She sighed and shut the screen then placed it on the side table.

"Yeah. It's not." I crawled into the bed and sat next to her. She sat up and crossed her legs facing towards me. "There is something I should have told you yesterday, about the tour."

"What?" she looked a little worried now.

"I made a deal with management that I should have told you about. But I didn't want to make you upset again and I choked up and didn't tell you." I looked down not really wanting her to look at me.

"Liam, tell me." She used her hand to lift my chin so I was looking at her.

"They said you are allowed to come one tour under one condition."

"I should have known there was something." She huffed. Why was she mad at herself? She should be mad at me.

"We have two options. It's up to you to decide." I took a deep breath and prepared myself to say them. "Option number one, you sign a contract saying that you act to be in a relationship with one of the boys or someone from the band like Josh or Sandy." I looked up at her but she showed no emotion really. I wanted to know what she was feeling. "Or option number two, we tell the press about us."

"I want to tell them." She quickly answered.

"Are you sure. Like, really, really, sure?" I leaned forward a little bit so I was closer to her.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready. Just a little scared." She admitted. She sat up a little bit and turned so her back was too me and sat between my legs and leaned back against my chest. "How are they going to make you enounce it?" she said as I wrapped my arms around her so they were on her stomach.

"Anyway we want. Twitter. Release pictures. Go to a crowded city. Interview. It's up to you honey. I want to do whatever you think is going to be the easiest for us to handle." I bent down and kissed the top of her head.

"What do you think we should do?"

"We have a charity event in two days in London. And I think you should go and me and you stay in London longer than the other boys and I bet the press will just come to us."


"Hey," I lifted her up a little bit so she would face me again. "This is going to work out I promise you." I said and lightly kissed her nose.

"Yeah I know. I trust you. And I know you won't let anything happen to me."

"You are correct." To know that she feels that way makes me so happy. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I do. You tell me a million times a day." She said and had that goofy smile of hers. "And you know I love you, right?"

"Well, considering the way you were screaming my name last night I would think yes." I said with a smirk.

"Liam!" she screamed and slapped me in the shoulder...I should have seen that one coming.


"Liam!" I heard Danilelle yell from upstairs. "Liam! Oh my gosh I just had the best idea!" I heard her running down the stairs.

"Please don't let her fall down the stairs." I muttered to myself.

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now