Chapter 8

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We let several minutes pass, just sitting on the stairs side by side. I had way too many things running through my mind to even talk. I couldn't tell if Liam was upset or something else. I kept my head down to avoid looking at him.

"We could do it, you know? Be happy again." Liam finally spoke.

"I don't know how to be happy anymore."

"I thought that too. But when I saw you again I remembered what it was like to be happy. And I'm ready for that again. I don't know if you are, but I am. I want to be happy now. With you." He forced me too look up be placing his hand on my chin to pull it upwards. "Stop looking at the floor please."

"I don't know what to do Liam! Everything is too confusing. I feel like this all a dream. I'm going to wake up and I will be back in my small apartment like you never came here and everything will be back to normal. The way it has been for the past year. I don't think I am ready to start over Liam, I'm sorry." I stood up and started to walk down the stairs. I need to get away from Liam to think. I can't think around him.

"Can..." he started to speak but stopped.

"What?" I stopped and turned around to look at him. He took a few steps down so he was one step above me.

"Can I walk you home or something? I don't want to leave you yet."

"Li, I didn't think that is a good idea." I sighed slightly and started to walk further down but stopped when he said something.

"I love when you call me that."

"Why? It's just a nickname." I felt my lips curl up into a small smirk.

"Because it's a nickname you gave me. No one else calls me that." He reached down and grabbed my right hand in his left. "It looks so different." He whispered.

"My hand?"

"Yes. It looks so blank without the ring, our promise ring." He traced over the exact spot where the ring used to be.

"You're- You're wearing yours." I was completely shocked to see the simple silver ring with the engraving on his finger. I can't believe I didn't notice it before.

"I never took it off. I couldn't bring myself to do it." He smiled and reached down his shirt and brought up a silver chain necklace. "I never took yours off either." On the chain was a ring. My ring.

"You kept them this entire time?" I stepped closer to him so I could look at my ring on the chain a little more clearly.

"Of course. They meant too much to just throw away."

"Now and Forever." I whispered as I ran my finger along the engraving on my ring that hung around the chain on Liam's neck. I was standing really close to Liam now. He slowly wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Can I please kiss you?" he softly asked and pressed out foreheads against each other.


"Please baby, please?" He placed his other hand on the back of my head gently. I dropped my hand from the necklace around his neck.

"Yes." I barley got the word out of my mouth before out lips are connected. The kiss wasn't just a kiss. It was better then the kiss we shared several minutes ago. It felt like Liam was truly mine again. And I felt...happy?

Yea, yea. It's was short sorry. But I have been soooo sick lately, y'all lucky you got this much. I should update soon. Oh! And comment what your favorite Payzer moment has been in this entire two book series! I want to know!!! Love you all!

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now