Chapter 21

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**Liam's POV**

I hoped out of Louis car and he and the boys drove off. We ended up just going to a stadium and kicking a football around for a bit. Just a way to relax for us.

I opened the front door and expected to see Dani on the couch watching television or something. But I couldn't seem to find her. I hung my coat up and walked up the stairs.

"Dani?" I called her name and peeked my head into our bedroom but she wasn't there. I walked down the hall and cheeked the guest bedroom, wasn't in there either. She might be outside. I started to walk down the hallway but stopped at the white door. The room that was remained completely empty for a year now and I kept the door shut... she wouldn't be in there, would she?

"Danielle?" I opened the door slowly and a heavy force pushed down on my chest. I haven't opened this door in over a year... too many memories.

"What?" she plainly responded looking ahead like he was in a daydream. She was on the floor with her back against one of the walls. My eyes trailed down to the wine glass on the floor next to her.

"Are you alright?" I softly asked and took a seat next to her on the floor. I shouldn't have left her alone by herself in this house. I should have know she would have found her way into this room... and the liquor cabinet.

"The therapist..." she started and slurred her words a bit. "Is because I tried to kill myself... more than once. It's actually quite hard, you know." She reached for the glass but I quickly snatched it from her.

"You're drunk, and that's not true." I defended. I didn't want it to be true. She's drunk and doesn't know what she is saying.

"I thought- if I could die I could be happy agian since so would be with Stacy and David again. I needed them so I tried everything I could to be with them again. They were the only people in my entire life who wanted me, unlike you. You wanted nothing to do with me." She laughed.

She laughed! How can she laugh right now!

"I wanted you." I fired back. "I still want you."

"Bullshit. I remember your face that night I told you the truth about everything. It's the same face everyone adult gave me at the orphanage. They didn't want me so they gave me 'the face.' I was so used to it so of course I recognized it that night."

"We both said and did things that night we didn't mean to." I tried to find ways to not make me look like the bad guy here.

"I'm going back to California tomorrow. I already booked my flight." She said ignoring my last words.

"What?! No!" She needs to stay here. Out of all the things she just said all I need to focus on right now is to get her to stay.

"I was stupid to think this could work out again." she reached over me to grab the wine again.

"Stop!" I yelled and grabbed it from her. "How much of this have you had?!"

"Only the bottle! Not counting that half bottle of vodka I downed." She laughed and lunged for it again.

"God damnit Danielle!" I stood up and walked to the bathroom across the hall and dumped the glass.

"Hey little man." I heard her say from across the hall. " Liam is mad at me again. But I'm going to go back tomorrow so he can live his life without a messed up girl grabbing down his career. I miss you. I tried to see you again a few weeks ago but Mark stopped me, again." She kept talking to herself. But she wasn't. She was talking to David.

"I shouldn't have cheeked the intersection because if I did you would still be here and me and Liam would still be happy." By the sound of her voice she was crying. I stayed in the hallway and listened to her talk on and on. I didn't want to stop her and I wanted to know what she was saying.

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