Chapter 14

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We walked out of the hotel and started down the street. I didn't know exactly where she lived but I knew it was towards the center of the town so that's where I headed.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked after a little bit of walking.

"No. Of course not. Why would I?" I gave her hand a light squeeze.

"Because I wouldn't tell you what Sophia said." She said and hung her head.

"No. No. I'm not mad. I guess I shouldn't have pushed you and maybe took it too far by calling her to find out, but I couldn't take knowing she said something to you that made you upset. I needed to know."

"Oh." she softy said. I hated how she acted like this now. We used to be so happy and joking around. But now everything is so serious.

She suddenly stopped waking. I looked ahead to make sure no one was coming at us cause she looked scared. I looked behind us, but I saw no one.

"Danielle?" I stepped in front of her to look at her face. "What's wrong?"

"I-I wa-" she couldn't form a sentences. She dropped her head and shoulders. "This is so weird." I was shocked to hear a small chuckle from her.


"This." she motioned with her hand between us. "This isn't us. Why are we acting like this?" Why is she laughing at a time like this?

"I don't know. I was thinking the same thing." I let a out a small sigh. I dropped her hand from mine and rubbed my face trying to think.

"What are we going to do Liam?"

"Do you trust me?" I asked her.


"Do you trust me?" I repeated myself.

"Of course."

"Then let me do something, and don't freak out. Okay?" I stepped closer to her, wrapping one arm around her waist.

"Are you going to kiss me?" she whispered leaning her forehead against mine.

"More than that baby." I closed the gab between us and kissed her.

"Wait." She said and pulled away. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the street. She turned the corner and stopped at a bakery door. She pulled out a key and unlocked the door. We stepped inside as she relocked the door. We walked to the back of the building and stopped at a wooden door. On the wall beside it was a hook with a key on it. She took the key and unlocked the wooden door then walked up the steps with me following her. At the top of the stairs was a full apartment. Then I released this is where she actually lives.

"This is your place?" I let go of her hand and looked around a bit.

"Yeah sorry. It's not the best but it's all I could afford." She shyly said. And I could agree with her. This isn't the best. It even looks like the ceiling is sagging down.

"It isn't that bad." I said trying to make her feel better about the place. She walked into the bedroom and ,of course, I followed her. "Now can I do something and you not freak out?" I smirked and I watched her blush.

"Are you going to get in trouble for staying the night here?" she asked bitting her lip.

"No. I'm on vacation, management can't do anything." She stepped into my arms and kissed me. But that was only the start to the night.

(No I'm not going to write out the freaken scene, you nastys.)


I peeled my eyes open when I heard an alarm going off. Danielle moved away from my arms then the beeping stopped. She stood up, taking the thin sheets with her to cover herself leaving me the thick comforter blanket.

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now