Chapter 20

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**Dani's POV**

I felt Liam's hot breath on the back of my neck and the weight of his head on my shoulder. I was lying on my stomach with my head on the pillow and Liam had an arm draped over my back and his head on my shoulder blade. After unpacking we ended up watching a movie in bed then eventually falling asleep.

"Pst. Dani? You awake?" I heard Liam whisper and it tickled the back of my neck.

"Yeah. Morning." I smiled keeping my eyes closed. He didn't move and neither did I.

"Morning." His morning voice was so amazing. I always loved it, don't know why either. I felt his soft lips kiss my shoulder blade then he settled his head back down. "Let's stay like this forever and ever." He sighed.

"I would love to but I have to pee." I laughed into the pillow. I wiggled my way out from under him as he tried to hold me so I couldn't move. Once I got up I turned around and saw him grab his phone off the charger by the nightstand. I went I the bathroom and did my business then combed through my hair and pulled it up into a sloppy ponytail. Them walked back out to see Liam placing his phone back on the stand.

"Come back and cuddle!" he whinnied. I climbed back into bed and sat crossed leg right next to him. He lifted and arm and draped it over my crossed legs.

"What are you doing today?" I asked him.

"The boys wanted to go and do something but I want to stay here." He said, his morning voice sounded so perfect.

"No, you should go and be with the boys." I told him and picked at his fingers that were on my legs.

"It's your first day back and I should be with you." He tried to come up with excuses.

"Go with the guys." I laughed and playfully pushed his head away from my side.

"Not if you don't cuddle. Cause right now you are just sitting there." He said and pulled me down so I was lying down next to him now.

"Only for a little bit." I said as I snuggled up to him.

"How about all day?"

"No. Go spend the day with the guys." I said and gave him a quick kiss.

"Fine." He said "Hand me my phone please?" I reached over to the nightstand that was on my side and grabbed his phone. But as my hand touched it, it vibrated and the screen lit up. I couldn't help but read what had popped up.

love you too babe ;)

It was from Sophia...

"You, uh, got a text message." I said and handed him the phone he looked a little surprised but grabbed the phone. I stood up quickly and walked into the bathroom. I locked the door and started the shower so he would think I was showering. But instead I ended up on the floor with my hand over my mouth, trying not to cry. He had to of text her while I was in the bathroom. But she said 'too' which means he said it first. Meaning he still loves her.

I heard the knob on the door move. I froze in my place on the floor.

"Danielle?" he said a little bit loud cause he thought I was in the shower. I didn't respond. He didn't say anything else so I figured he left. I waited a few more minutes then turned the water off. The room had fogged up so I wiped a spot on the mirror so I could see myself. I managed not to cry so my eyes don't look red or puffy. But I was pale, like I just saw a ghost. I heard footsteps and I almost turned the shower back on but I figured it was too late. Liam didn't come to the door, but I heard him walking around the room and opening and closing the dresser and closet door. I decided to face it and opened the door and walked out. I kept my head down but I knew he looked at me.

"Nice shower there huh?" he plainly said. That's when I realized my hair was completely dry....

"I know you saw it." He said moving closer to me.

"Saw what?" I acted like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"The message."

"Don't know what you're talking about." I bit my lip and turned around an looked through some shirts in my closet, taking a really long time to find something wear.

"Just stop acting. I know you saw it and you need to know I didn't say anything. She text me last night and said we should hook up and I said no and back off and that's what she responded with. She was being sarcastic. Here." He held the phone out, on the screen was a the messages. I felt stupid but also mad that she would even text him.

"I love you. Not her." He dropped the phone to his side and stepped close, placing a light kiss on my lips.

"I need my medicine." I groaned out and stepped past him.

"What medicine?" He asked following me into the bathroom. I grabbed my small cosmetic bag and pulled out the pill bottle.

"It's for headaches. I get them almost everyday and I currently have one now."

"Wh-why do you get headaches?" he stuttered.

"My therapist says it's cause of stress but my doctor has no idea why." I pushed past him and left the bathroom.

"Therapist? You have a therapist?" he asked. I stopped my walking and turned around to face him. He stood in the doorway d the bathroom, facing the room.

"Therapist? Did I say that? Oops! Didn't mean that. Haha." I said but it sounded so fake. This why I can't lie, I'm terrible at it.

"Dani?" he gave me the look. The look meaning he wanted the truth cause he knew I was lying, I remember that look. "Why do you have a therapist?" he rushed over to me and grabbed my arms. "Do you harm?!" he frantically asked and searched my wrist. Then lifted my shirt and looked at my stomach then thighs.

"No Liam." I sighed and pushed him away.

"Then-then why?" he kept stuttering.

"Because." I sighed. I can't make up my mind if I want to tell him or not. "Some things happened that I haven't told you about. And it was best I saw a therapist."

"What happened?!" He practically screamed.

"I don't want to tell you." I truthfully answered.

"Tell me! Please! I need to know! What happened!? Did you cut? Did you-Did you go insane or something?!" he asked. He seemed to be the one going insane....

"Stop yelling!" I said yelling myself. I rubbed my finger tips over my temples to help the throbbing pain in my head stop.

"Sorry." He softly said. "What happened?"

"Things, Liam. Okay? Just things." I sighed a walked out of the room and into the hallway then down the steps. I heared a car horn from outside then Liam came rushing down the steps with a coat in hand.

"I'll be back in two or three hours" he muttered.

I said too much and know he wants to know everything...and I can't let him know. I grabbed my laptop and started to clean up the mess I had created.

I didn't proof read that so I hope there wasn't too many errors.

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