Chapter 29

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**Liam POV**

I picked up my phone and called went right to voice mail. It's ten o'clock, she has to be done at the hospital. We agreed on calling tonight. So I dialed the number again, but it went to voicemail again She is ignoring my calls, I know it.

( * is Liam's Text messages and - is Danielle's)

*Is there a reason you are ignoring my calls?

I sent the message and a few seconds later I saw that she read the message and was typing a reply.

-No. Just don't feel like talking to you.

*What's wrong?


*Obviously something. Spill it.

-I have nothing to talk to you about.

*how was the hospital today?


*Fine? That's all I get?


*Did I do something wrong? Or am I missing something?

-You sure are missing Sophia.

* I understand. I'm calling you and you should answer.

I sent the last text and made sure it said she read it then called her again but this time I got her to answer.

"I said I didn't want to talk to you." She said right as she answered.

"Well I want to talk to you." I smiled but then stopped realizing she can't see me. But after she didn't answer me I knew it wasn't a time to joke around. "I didn't know she was going to be there." I calmly stated.

"okay." I just knew that at home she would have rolled her eyes.

"Management wanted to stir up some drama for the media so they surprised me by bringing her here. She has already left."

"All of this makes me look foolish." She said with a heavy sigh.

"And it makes me look like a cheater. I'm sorry babygirl, I'm going to make this all better for the both us I promise you."

"There is nothing you can do, Li. Management is in charge of your career."

"Yeah. My career, not my relationship with you."

"Liam?" she called my named after about a two minute silence

"What love?"

"This is going to be my first night sleeping without you in a long time." I could her the disappointment and sadness in her voice plain and clearly.

"I know." I sighed then pinched the bridge of my nose. "What are you doing right now?" I asked trying to get away from the current subject.

"I'm in David's room."

"Danielle." I said with pure sympathy. "Why?"

"Because I needed to not feel alone."

"Did you drink?" I asked all prepared to call someone to go to the house and see if she was okay.

"No, of course not. I promised you." She said but I didn't know how to respond. "I really liked the hospital today. It felt so good to be around all of that again. And the staff and everything is just perfect. Dr. Suumer officially offered me the job."

"Did you say yes?"

"I told him I needed time to think."

"What? Why? You obviously love it there." I asked her. Why would she say no to this?

"I do. I really do love it there. But it's just-" she said then stopped talking.

"Just what?" I encouraged her to keep talking.

"Taking the job would mean being away from you." She said exactly what I knew she would.

"It's your dream Dani, and I don't want you to miss out on it because of me. I want you to call Dr. Suumer in morning."

"Liam, that means a whole nine months away from each other." It sounded like she was about to cry, and that is something I really don't need right now.

"Why are you trying to find things wrong in taking this job?"

"Because I'm scared." She admitted to me.

"Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, hun."

"I'll call him in the morning." She agreed.

"You sound tired honey. Why don't you get some sleep." I suggested.

"I don't want to hang up."

"Okay." I sighed but heard her walking around. "What are you doing?" I asked again.

"Getting ready for bed. I put it on speaker so I could set the phone down." She said it sound like she was further away from the phone.

"I put one of my t-shirts in the bathroom for you. I put some of my cologne on it." I knew how much she loved to sleep in my t-shirts and since I wasn't going to be there I knew it help.

"I found it." She said. I hope she had a smile on. "Thanks."

"I thought it would help."

**Danielle POV**

I grabbed my phone off the dresser and turned the lights off. I turned it off speaker and crawled into bed.

"How did your charity show go?" I asked him looking up at the ceiling.

"Good. It was fun, I've always love things like it."

"So are you at your hotel now?" I kept asking him questions because I don't want to stop talking to him.

"Yes and I can hear Zayn's music blaring from the room beside me." I heard him laugh a little bit. "Babe, you sound extremely tired." His voice came across so soft and calming.

"I am."

"You need to get some sleep."

"No I don't. I want to stay on the phone with you." I yawned but quickly covered the sound up by coughing so it didn't sound like I was tired.

"How about we turn on the FaceTime that way you can set the phone down and try to get some sleep, yeah?" he suggested. I nodded my head yes and connected to FaceTime. I turned the lamp on that sat on the nightstand. "Go to sleep hon, I won't hang up until you're asleep." He told he and I saw he was sitting at a small table inside his hotel room.

"Will you sing or hum, or something please?" I begged after ten minutes of trying to fall asleep.

"What song?" he turned a little in his seat so was looking at me directly.

"Half a Heart." I watched a small smile creep onto his lips.

"You know that song is for you right?"

"Yeah. I got that from 'sleeping with my sweater' considering I never gave back your hoodie." I said then hid my face in his pillow that he left.

"Just imagine I am there with you." He softly said then the room filled with the sound of his voice singing Half a Heart. Such a simple song, but it means a lot to me. And to Liam.



If you haven't guessed yet, this is my Christmas present to all of you. So I hope you all love it and have a wonderful day full of family and joy!

Comment what your favorite gift that you got for Christmas!!!

My favorite was from my sister who got me Five Seconds of Summer Tickets

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now