Chapter 7

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"I have to go, this isn't right." I said with a soft sigh. The buzzing in my head has lessened but was still there. I could see clearly now and all I wanted to do was leave.

"What isn't right? This?" he moved his hand to my face and cupped my cheek with his hand. "Or this?" he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. "Or is it this?" he said and gently kissed me cheek. "Or maybe this." he leaned in and his lips were on mine. It was a feeling I really missed. It was like joy all in a little kiss. It made me feel like I was safe and calm. But my heart was pounding and I had butterflies in my stomach. And the way he held me made it seem like-

"Liam-Stop!" I pushed him away with my hand and he stumbled back a bit. "We broke up a long time ago. We can't go through this again." I took a sharp breathe in and scanned his face. "I can't do this to myself again. I can't go through all the hurt and sadness again. I can't handle that." I gave up on trying to walk away from him so I just sat down on the step and placed my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry." He softly said and sat down right beside me, so close that our shoulders were touching.

"It's fine. It was just a small kiss. No one has to know. And no one is going to know." I told him.

"No. I'm not sorry for kissing you just now. I'm sorry or everything. For letting you go. I wasn't thinking straight that night. I should have heard you out more instead of kicking you out. I was mad and wasn't aware of what I was saying. I love you Danielle and I still do. That never changed-"

"Liam stop. Please." I begged him. I felt tears in my eyes but I shouldn't. It happened a year ago. I should be over this.

"No let me talk. When I heard Perrie say your name at the club the other night it felt like I had another chance. To get you back and have you in my arms again. But I saw that you had already moved on-"

"So did you Liam. You have a girlfriend." I slightly laughed at him because of what he was saying.

"Had. I don't anymore. I realized she was nothing to you. Seeing you just made me open my eyes a little wider. I always knew I still loved you, million times more than I loved Sophia. But actually seeing you made it crystal clear for me. I called your phone so many times and every time I got that robot voice saying your number is invalid. And I tried all your accounts and you deleted them. I called the house all the time to see if you just happened to be there. I called the people who clean our house to see if they-"

"It's not 'our' house."

"My house. And they said the never saw you but all your stuff was gone. Including David's."

"If you are going to talk, please don't say the name." I wiped away the few tears that had fallen.

"Right, sorry. They said everything was gone. I called the hospital to see if anyone had heard anything from you and I couldn't find anything. I tried so hard to get ahold of you some how and I couldn't.

"That's because I tried so hard to not let you." I admitted to him.

"Thought so. I really messed up. I still can't believe I let my anger get so far that I lost you. If I could go back to the night in the rental apartment I would. I would have changed everything I said to you. You don't deserve to be treated the way I treated you." He placed his hand on my knee and I let him keep it there. "Why are you with a different guy every time I see you?" he asked changed the subject just a tad.

"The only guy you saw me with was tonight with Tyler."

"No. They guy from the beach and the other club."

"That's Mark. Don't worry about him. He isn't exactly into girls." I laughed at the fact that he thought I was with Mark.

"Oh." was all he said.

"Why are you drinking? Alcohol is bad for your kidney." I looked up at him and saw a slight smile.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"It's just a way-"

"To deal with things." We said the last part at the same time.

"It's different for you, you could seriously get sick." I lightly nudged his shoulder.

"After everything I have told you in the last ten minutes, you are worried about my kidney?" he asked laughing.

"Stop laughing! It's serious. You shouldn't be drinking, you know that."

"I love you." He randomly said looking at me in the eyes.

"Don't. I can't handle that right now." I sighed and buried my face in my hands again.

"We can be happy again, Danielle. Together." He grabbed my wrist and pulled them away from my face so I had to look at him.

"And what if we can't Liam? What if we aren't meant to be together. Maybe this is better for the both of us."

"How a is better for the both of us if you are sitting on a stair crying and I am begging you to take me back? I don't see how that is better." He shook his head and acted like he was now interested in his fingers.

"I can't be happy again, Liam."

"Yes you can. It just may be harder then you think it is." He looked up then straight back down again. "We can still be happy without him, you know."

"You don't want me back Liam. You just want the memories back." 

"No. I want to make new memories with you. We just have to give it chance."

"Chance for what? For failure? For sadness? For total destruction?" I was becoming frustrated. But not with Liam, with myself.

"A chance to find happiness." 

What do you think Danielle will say next???

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now