Chapter 28

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"Pst. Liam." I heard Danielle whisper in my ear. "Liam?"

"The sun isn't even up yet. What time is it?" I groaned rolling over to see her fully dressed in her scrubs and ready to leave.

"Five thirty in the morning. I need to leave for the interview and since you are leaving for London today I won't see you till tomorrow morning so I wanted a goodbye kiss."

"Right. Goodbye love. Have a good day." I sat up and grabbed her cheeks to pull her in for a kiss. Yesterday she was called back saying she had to be there this morning for an interview and to work a 'trial' shift to see if she is really fit for the position. "I'll call you tonight alright?"

"Can't wait." She smiled then gave me one last kiss.

"Do your best, I know you'll get the job." I told her as she grabbed her bag off the floor.

"Thanks Li. Love you." She looked at me one last time.

"Love you too honey." I said then she turned the light off and left the room.


I couldn't fall back asleep after Dani left. It felt weird with her gone. For the past month we have always been together. I know she is only twenty minutes away, but I still don't like it. I'm too worried something will happen to her.

I finished packing the small bag I was taking. I was only going to be gone one night so it wasn't much. That's another thing I'm worried about, this will be the first night in a month that I won't be sleeping next to Danielle. And that scares me a little bit.

"Hey Liam! You ready!?" I heard Niall yell from downstairs. I zipped the bag and pulled down the stairs by the handle.

"Yeah. Lets go." I sighed and walked out the door and turned back around to lock it up making sure to leave the key in the flower pot for Dani like I told her I would.

"I thought Danielle was coming?" he asked as we climbed into the car, joining the other boys and our driver.

"Where's Dani?" Zayn asked before I could even answer Niall's same question.

"Oh my gosh did you two break up!?" Harry shouted turning back in the passenger seat to look at me.

'What!? No! We didn't break up!" I quickly stated. "She got a job offer and she really wants to take it so she had a trial shift today. So, obviously, she couldn't come." I explained.

"What the hell is a trial shift?" Louis asked looking at me like I was some idiot.

"She goes in, they interview her and if that goes well they have her work for the rest of the day to see if she is really fit to take the job." I explained leaning against the window.

"Oh." Louis lamely said and settled back into his seat.

"Do you think she will get the job?" Zayn asked me.

"Of course she will. She is a great nurse and they sounded like they really wanted her to take the job." I dryly said.

"Aren't you happy for her?" Niall asked.

"Absolutely! It's just if she gets this job she won't be able to go on the tour anymore." I sighed and tried not to look at all of them because they are going to make me feel guilty. Of course I am happy for Dani but I wish she would still be able to tour with us.

**Danielle's POV**

This place is amazing! It is really up to date and every is extremely nice. I did the interview and it went perfectly. Now I am working on the main floor that is the kids department. They want to see how well I work with the kids and the other staff members. It's exciting to think that if this goes well I could become the head nurse.

Finding Happiness With Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now