Chpater 4

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"And she just threw the whole thing in your face?" Mark asked as we laid out our towels on the sand.

"Yup pretty much." I sighed and rubbed some tanning lotion onto my arms and legs.

"Was she the girl who was clinging to the guy you used to date in the club last night?" he asked and sat down on his towel.

"That would be her." I laid down on my stomach so I could tan my back first.

"Oh cute guy to the left of you." He whispered and it turned my head to the left and opened one eye.

"Too tall." I said then closed my eye.

"Not really. Maybe I should go talk to him. Oh! Look it that guy!"

"You know, sometimes having a gay best friend really has it's plus side." I laughed and he slightly hit my shoulder with his fist. "And yeah that guy is pretty cute. Very muscular. Nice hair-oh my God thats Liam." I said and turned my face so he couldn't see me.

"No way! He's hot! No he is more than hot! The scale goes adorable, cute, hot, sexy, him."

"Can you stop please." I begged him.

"I think he sees us. He keeps looking over here." Mark said.

"Great. Just great. Let's add to the awful day." I sighed.

"Do you want me to act like your straight boyfriend?" he said with a slight laugh.

"Yes. Now rub some sun tan lotion on my back before I burn." I half joked and half being serious.

"You just want me to because you can't reach." He said but still did it anyway.

"You know me so well. And don't kiss me I will kill you." I added on.

"Oh come on! It would be great!"

"Ew. No. Stop thinking that."

"Fine. But can we get in the water now? It's killer hot!" He asked standing up.

"Just don't say that agin." I laughed and lightly shoved him and he took my hand.

"What? Killer hot?"

"Yes, don't say that again!" I said right as we stepped into the water. We kept walking till it was about up to my stomach. Mark picked me up them spun my around by wrapping an arm around my bare stomach then he pulled us under water. He always did this so I wasn't surprised.

Once back above the water I remembered what I needed to tell Mark. "Oh by the way, I have to cancel our beach date tomorrow. I have a doctors appointment that's like an hour away." I smoothed back my wet hair so it wouldn't be in my face anymore.

"For your headaches?"

"Yeah. They are going to give me some pills that are supposed to make them stop." I said the pinched my nose and went back under water. Once back above water I started to walk back to the shore.

I grabbed my towel and dried off a bit. Then sat down and watched Mark in the water as a pretended to be a shark then attack himself and then die. He can be such a dork sometimes.

"Get your ass back in the water and have fun!" he said once he stood beside me in the sand. Then he bent down and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"Mark! Put me down you big idiot!" I yelled and hit his back with my fist.

"Not until you promise to have fun!" he joked as he got further into the water.

"Fine I promise! I promise!" I yelled and stopped hitting him.

< Please go read my new book Nightmares, by the way. Continue reading :) >

"Too late! Hold your breath!" He shouted and we plugged under water.

"Mark I am going to kill you!" I yelled once above water again.

"No because I am going to buy you some Starbucks on our way home." He smirked. Damn...he knows me too well.

"Fine. You are forgiven."


After an hour or so more at the beach we decided to leave. I slipped on my jean shorts and grabbed my beach bag. I didn't bother putting on a shirt since just about everyone walks around this town in a bikini... well except the guys... you know what I mean!

"To Starbucks we go!" I yelled pointing ahead and wrapping my arm around Mark's and acted like an a idiot pretending to march.

"You are such a dork." He snorted at me.

"Funny. I say the same thing about you about ten times a day." I joked back at him. I got tired of walking and made him give me a piggy back ride.

After we got our drinks we decided to walk around town for a bit.

"Will you go with me tomorrow? Doctors creep me out and I don't want to be alone." I asked him and took a sip of my mocha frap.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." He sighed.

"Why don't you get a job then?"

"Because I don't need one. My dad is the senator of Florida, I don't pay for anything." He laughed dn shoved me and I almost ran into a random girl.

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't rub it in. I'm poor as a drunk after a liqueur sale."

"Nice simile there." He said pretty much laughing in my face. "Wait? Didn't you use to be a doctor?" he asked.

"No. I was a nurse. There is a difference." I said remembering how much I miss that job. It was so much fun.

"Cute guy coming right towards you." He said and nodded to our left. And there really was a guy walking towards me. And he wasn't bad looking.

"Hey. I'm Tyler. And, well, um, the thing is, you are extremely beautiful and I was wondering of you want to do something tomorrow night. Maybe go to one of the clubs or bars or something?" He asked and blushed a bit. Beside me, Mark kept nudging me with his freaken elbow. I want to grab him and push him to the ground he was annoying me.

"Yeah, I think I could go for that. I'm Danielle by the way."

"Well Danielle, can I have your number so I can call you tomorrow about our date?"

"Sure." I fished through my beach bag and found a pen to write on his hand. I wrote my number then we walked away from each other.

"Damnnnn he was hot!" Mark gushed in my ear.

"I know. And I can't wait till tomorrow." I sighed in contempt as we walked down my block to head back to my apartment.

What do you think will happen next?!? Love you all <3

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