Chapter 12

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Hey guys, this is Paige. Not Katie. But she is the one who wrote this chapter. But she says she is sorry.

Please be patient with updates. Katie had something happen and, well, things are just complicated.

Anyway, she says she loves you all. Vote and comment!


I climbed the last set of stairs and opened the door at the top. A few doors down I stopped. I straightened out my clothes, which was just a plain pink tank top and blue jean shorts. I lifted my hand and knocked on the door with two knocks. I waited a little while, but with no reply. I should have known. I knocked again.

"Can you open up please? It's me, Dani. I think we should talk." I said only loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

"I thought I was supposed to leave you alone. It's almost midnight, go away." I heard his soft voice from the other side.

"Li, all that stuff I said the other day...well I was wrong. None of that is true. I had the wrong idea of love. It isn't like I said. Love is giving up all everything for someone else and them doing the same. And the other things I said... the thing about me not wanting be happy again...well I do want to be happy again. I just need someone to show me how."

There was a time that passed of silence. I wanted to think he jumped out the window so he didn't have to listen to me. But I knew that wasn't true.


"What?" I heard a small thud on the door so I thought he rested his head on the door.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"I guess." He plainly replied.

"You can't tell anybody. You have to promise."

"I promise."

"Okay." I took a deep breath, although he wouldn't be able to hear it. "I still love you."

"Is that your secret?" He said and I heard a small chuckle.


"Well then can I tell you a secret?"

"I guess." I said mimicking what he said a few seconds ago.

"I love you too."

"Now can you open the door so I can stop looking like an idiot standing in a hotel hallway talking to a door?" I laughed heard Liam do the same.

"Yeah, give me a second to put some pants on."

"You have been standing there this whole time in your underwear?!" I asked him.

"Well yeah! I haven't gotten out of bed all day!" I heard him yell, it sounded like he was farther away. I heard a click from the lock and the door opened. He was standing there with a goofy smile on his face with a pair of grey sweatpants hanging low at his waist and he was in the process of pulling on a shirt.

"Your hotel neighbors are going to hate us for talking through a door." I told him.

"We have the whole floor to ourselves so don't worry about that." He stepped aside to allow me in. "You want something to drink?" he asked.

"No, I'm good." I walked into the main room and sat down in the couch, well more like flopped down on it.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why exactly did everything change?" he sat down on the other end of the couch and I put my feet on his lap.

"Zayn and his wise words."

"The words really get you." He laughed and gently rubbed his hand on my leg. It was such a simple gesture but it brought goosebumps to my skin under his touch. But I still flinched a little. He knew it too. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" he asked after a bit.

"Maybe. I'm still confused about things." I flat out told him the truth.

"About what?"

"About if this is the right thing or not."

"I think it is the right thing" he said in almost a silent whisper.

"I'm scared to date again, to be happy again." I admitted and looked down where Liam's hand rested on my leg.

"Scared that all of it might just disappear one day?" he lifted his head and looked at me.


"I wouldn't be dumb enough to let you go again Dani. I think we deserve to be happy again."

"We should take things slow, you know? See where things lead us." I shrugged and grabbed a stand of hair and twisted the tip of it in my hand.

"What ever you want. I just want to be able to call you mine again." I saw one of those dorky smiles he had with a slight blush. I really missed that look on him.

"I don't want the public to know this time, Li."

"I don't either. With what happened and all, things could get out of hand." He said. I sat up and removed my legs from his lap and sat on his side of the couch. He lifted his arm and I slipped under it, resting my head on his chest and he gently placed his arm back down on my shoulder.

"The hate is hard to handle and I need some more time before I can deal with it again."

"I understand." He gently traced ran random shapes and letters on the back on my hand that was resting on his knee.

(Awkward ending sorry)

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