Chapter 5/6

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Had to combine chapters 5 and 6

"So the order is doctors, lunch, back to your place, then date with mister hottie-mic-hottie pants." Mark clarified as we got into his car. Which was a really nice car since his dad got it for him.

"Yes but add some coffee in somewhere. I am in desperate need for caffeine."

"Did you not get any sleep last night?" he asked as we pulled onto the freeway to go to a few towns over to the doctors.

"Not much. I couldn't sleep. I had a headache. So hopefully these pills they are going to give me are going to work." I put my elbow in the window lip and held my head up with my hand.

"Yeah me too so you can stop bitching about it." He said but I knew he was kidding.


I came out of doctor's office and Mark stood up from his seat in one of the plastic waiting chairs.

"So is everything alright?" he asked as we started to walk out.

"No I'm pregnant." I said to just mess around with him.


"I'm kidding." I laughed at him and his face relaxed a bit. "Now caffeine." I said and we got into the car to go find a coffee shop.


"Have fun on your date!" Mark said as he walked down the staircase and shut the old wooden door at the bottom. He came over and helped me pick out an outfit, which ended up being a short tight fitting dress.

Tyler said we were going to be going to on of the fancier clubs in the town. I've only been there a few times with Mark. The drinks are way to expensive so I don't go that often. I told Tyler I would meet him there since I don't really want him knowing I live above a bakery.

After my short walk, I was already at the club and I hope he was already inside so I wouldn't look like an idiot.

"Hey! You made it!" he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek then handed me a drink. Looks like I am getting drunk tonight and possible hook up with this guy.

"You didn't think I would stand you up, would you?" I smiled and downed the drink.

"A little. I mean, you're hot and probably got other things to do then come dance and drink with me." He winked.

"Well I'm here so," I trailed off a bit.

"Yeah let's go dance." He took my hand and we went into the crowd of people on the dance floor. And it wasn't really dancing, just grinding against each other, pretty much. He tried to bringing the hem of my dress up but I swatted his hand away and made him but it back on my hip.

After a few songs we stopped and went back to the bar. He gave me a shot and I didn't even think before it drank it gone.

"Do you know that guy over there? He keeps staring at you." Tyler whispered in my ear. I looked to where he was gesturing and I saw Liam. He wasn't really staring at me, but glaring. He had a glass of brown liquor in front of him with his hand wrapped around it. He showed no emotion, just a straight glare towards me.

"Nope. Don't know him." I told Tyler and took the drink from his hand. Maybe I could just drink Liam away. That's usually what I do anyway. And on the bright side I can already feeling the buzzing in my head.

"Here. I'll get you a other one." He laughed at me since I already had the cup empty. I started on the new one he gave me but it was yanked out of my hand. Everything was kind of blurry but not too bad. But I can tell I am being dragged away by someone. He took me outside and all the pounding from the music started to fade away. He had a frim grip on my wrist and kept pulling me.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I asked him but allowed him to keep pulling me behind him.

"Getting you away from that asshole. I could tell what he wanted to do to you, and I'm not going to let that happen." He sneered. I could tell he was angry. Not sure if he was mad at me or at Tyler.

"It's not nice to call people assholes when you're one."

"Clever." He meanly joked and started to walk faster.

"Where are you taking me?" I slurred a bit.

"Shut up, please. Just, shut up." He shook his head and turned a corner. I now saw his hotel. He took the side entrance and the stairs, that he ended up dragging me half way up.

"What are you doing?" I asked him when he pulled out his room key.

"Petting a unicorn." He sarcastically said. "What the hell does it look like Danielle? I'm unlocking the door." He finished and opened the door. I followed him into the room.

"No need to be rude, sheez." I rolled my eyes at him while stumbling into the room a bit then remembered something and stopped. "Liam. No."

"No what?" he looked back at me and took his jacket off the threw it on the back of a chair.

"I can't be here. Sophia will kill me. She already hates me." I said and walked to the door. But Liam grabbed my wrist.

"She's not here."

"Doesn't mean this is alright. I need to go. I don't need another mental break down because of her." I tried to move but he wouldn't let me.

"What so you mean by 'mental break down'? Did she do something to you?" he pulled me a bit closer to him then I was originally.

"Ye-No. No she didn't." I let my face fall a bit. There is no need to start something between two people who are happy together.

"Don't lie. Please. What did she do. Tell me now, Danielle."

"Nothing, Liam. It was just a metaphor. I need to go." I sighed and pulled my arm from his hold.

"We broke up." He said as my hand touched the doorknob.

"I know Liam. A year ago, because I lied and ruined everything."

"Me and Sophia. We broke up." I slightly lifted my head slightly to look at him.

"I'm not going to be your rebound, Liam." I said now realizing why he brought me here.

"You aren't. She was my rebound from you, that lasted why to long. She only wanted me for the money."

"That's enough Liam. Good night." I opened the door and shut it behind me. I turned to my right to head to the stairs but to my surprise Niall stood there.

"That's Liam's room!" he shouted pointed at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"N-No it's not. I was just visiting someone. It's not Liam's room." I quickly defended myself. I pushed past him and walked closer to the stairs.

"Danielle! Danielle wait!" I heard Liam call after me.

"It is to Liam's room!" was the last thing I heard from Niall before I started to run down the stairs. I made it two flights before Liam caught up to me.

"Please. Please don't go." He said once he grabbed me by the elbow.


the gif i attached to this is perfect!

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