Chapter 1: Meeting

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(Y/N) - your name
(H/C) - hair color
(E/C) - eye color
(B/F/N) - Best friend's name
Words that are slanted are words that are mumbled.
Bold words are when Squirrel (Me, author) is saying something.

-your POV-
" ding.. ding.. ding-" I turned off the alarm and checked the time. It was 9:36. I took a shower and got dressed to move to my new house.

Author note- You can wear what ever you want.
~time skip~

Once I went inside,"Heh, this house is pretty big" I said. It had 3 big rooms, a beautiful yard, a magical bathroom. and a  huge kitchen. I couldn't wait to decorate. It was like my dream house. Well, it's not anymore cause it's mine now!

By the way it's ok if you correct mistakes, letting you know.

I then I heard screaming. " Get rid of all this pizza!!" I looked out the window to see 2 people chasing each other. A blond haired, and a lapis haired one. I didn't worry because I heard louder screams, trust me.

-??? POV-
I was chasing Dante down the street and I stopped and saw a girl just moving in. I ran back and told the boys and then planned on going later. But then we saw Aphmau walking down the street exited to meet the new girl on mystreet. So we thought that Aph would make us go and help so we just waited for Aphmau.

- Your POV -
I was thinking of how I would set up the kitchen because I was starving. But that's when I heard a knock. I went over to the door and saw a girl with hazel eyes and black hair. "Hi! Your new to the neighborhood, right?" She said kindly. "Yeah", I responded, wondering who she was, she seemed very nice. "My name's Aphmau, nice to meet you!" " Nice to meet you too! My name is (Y/N)". She then left going into another house and brought back 2 other girls. "Hey, my name's Katelyn." The blue haired girl said. " Hi! My names Kawaii-chan. Your name..?" I was looking at her m'efwa ears and tail, I've never met one. But then I realized I she said something and I didn't answer."Oh! My names (Y/N)". "That's a nice name, (Y/N)-Chan".  Then all of a sudden Aph says, " Well, we'll help you move in, but we'll get help from the boys." She then ran off with Kawaii-chan and Katelyn. I stayed home alone for a little bit until I saw Aphmau come back with some boys and the girls. "We're back! So when's the-" before Aph could finish, the moving- in truck was here.

"Well time to get to work!" I heard someone say. We all walked out and brought in boxes. I had a lot of boxes because I decorate a lot around the houses I move into. After a while I brought in everything. Nothing weird happened so I was very shocked, but of course I didn't show it. " Thanks Aph, this helped out a lot." "No problem! Hey, you want to hang out tomorrow?" I nodded yes, She left and I squealed silently. "Oh Irene I made a friend! Or friends! I'm such a loner, this is amazing!" I thought to my self. I ran upstairs and I jumped on top of my bed with no sheets. But I was exhausted so I fell asleep anyways.

- Aphmau POV -
I woke up exited and took a shower and got ready. This was the day I got to learn more about (Y/N)! I checked the time and it was 12:23 and I ran out the door, not caring if Kawaii-chan and Katelyn were sleeping. While I ran I passed Zane. I stopped. "Hey Zane!" I yelled. "Aphmau why are you running?" "There's a new person on the street!" I yelled at him not caring if he looses his hearing. " Well, have fun." He said walking home. I thought it would be nice if Zane and (Y/N) got to know each other a little more.

Don't worry it will be Garroth x Reader I haven't forgot.

I grabbed Zane's arm and dragged him with me. "Hey!" " Well to bad chicken nugget you'll need to know her more." Zane groaned and wanted to get away. But he knew what would happen if he did that, I would murder him.

-Your POV -
I heard someone knocking on the door like a mad man. I opened the door half scared and saw Aphmau. Thank Irene, "Hey Aph!" "Hey (Y/N)!" We stood there staring at each other, and then I heard a deep voice say. " how about we hang out and do something so I can leave" he whined. "Well, I know some stuff we can do. We can invite everyone over! So I get to know them better!" "Sounds good" Aph said. "Whatever," said- "ZANE SHUT UP AND LETS-" "ah so your name is Zane, nice to meet you." We shook hands and Aphmau stared surprised. "Well, let's start doing stuff! Like, everyone comes in and helps you organize your stuff!" Aphmau said almost panicking. "Sounds good" I said in reply. "Oh! And I'll make lunch, you guys starving?" I asked, so can cook when we're done unpacking. "Hehe yup!" Aphmau said squealing. "Whatever," Zane moaned trying to get away only, but only to get hit in the face by Aphmau. " YOU WILL-! Wait, Hey (Y/N) do you like MLH?" Aphmau asked slightly tilting her head, I giggled. "I love MLH!" I squealed.

Sorry if it was short, my hand hurts because I did a lot of writing today because of school. I'm also sorry if you dont like my little 'horses' 😝.So I might not post tomorrow, but I'll try👍
The Rossome Squirrel is out!

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